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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Recenzie/Review THE WHITE OAK (Imperfect Darkness #1) by Kim White

In The White Oak, the first book in the Imperfect Darkness series, Cora Alexander is pulled through a sinkhole and enters the underworld still alive. Her living presence threatens the tyrannical rule of Minos and the Infernal Judges who have hijacked the afterlife and rebuilt it, trapping human souls in a mechanical, computer-controlled city that lies at the core of the earth. To survive, Cora must rely on her untrustworthy guide, Minotaur, an artificial intelligence. She is helped by a mysterious voice, and by Sybil, underworld librarian and author of each person’s book of life. When Cora’s own book is destroyed, Sybil gives her a golden pen and sends her into the City to begin writing her own destiny. Along the way, she reunites with the ghost of her dead brother, Lucas, a genius programmer who alone is capable of finding the chink in Minos armor. This fast-paced adventure begins, and ends, in the middle of the action; introducing the characters, themes, and mysteries that find their resolution later in the series.


I don't like to say that I disliked a book. Not going to say now. I abstain from not say. But I'm very disappointed. After describing the book, I expected something more ... I don't know... to little more adventure, something more involved, in any case.

The idea of mythology and science that the author wanted to use it, I really liked, had made me curious. I thought in what way could weave these two opposing subjects to create an attractive, with plenty of action.

The first part of the book, more precisely the first two chapters if I'm not wrong, promised much, very much. 
But that was all. The author was limited only to the promises in the first chapters. During reading, I discovered a Cora Alexander boring, not well defined as a character, superficial and not impressed by the findings of the underworld, she is still the main character of the book. In whatever situation meets Cora resign immediately, not ask, not trouble.

In my opinion, a main character should be shaped so as to attract readers, have character and know how to fight for everything and everyone. While Cora, however misses. Plus that her relationship with her ​​twin brother, Lucas, is almost inexistent. Something like: "Aha. Right. OK."

As if everything was not disappointing enough, add the writing the author, which I found extremely difficult and twisty, and sometimes, without sense. Were phrases I could not understand, I not understand what the author wanted to say.

With all Unfortunately, I don't recommend this book, I think is a waste of time. I know it can be very hard at an author who may be put his soul in this book, but I'm disappointed. It was very hard to take the book to finish, and not because I had no time. But that is simply boring. And ... dare say, although I repeat, can be extremely hard, without much sense.

However give two point of five, for the idea itself, which I'm sure in other circumstances, would have been much better valorified.




Nu-mi place sa spun ca nu mi-a placut o carte. Si nici nu o s-o spun acum. Ma abtin sa n-o spun. Sunt insa foarte dezamagita. Dupa descrierea cartii, ma asteptam la ceva mai... nu stiu. La ceva mai multa aventura, la ceva mai antrenant, in orice caz. 

Ideea de mitologie si stiinta pe care a vrut s-o foloseasca autoarea, chiar mi-a placut, m-a facuse curioasa. Ma gandeam in ce fel ar putea sa impleteasca aceste doua subiecte total opuse, pentru a crea un cadru atractiv, cu actiune din abundenta. 

Prima parte a cartii, mai exact primele 2 capitole daca nu ma insel, promiteau mult, foarte mult. Dar doar atat. Autoarea s-a rezumat doar la a promite in primele capitole. Pe parcursul lecturii, am descoperit o Cora Alexander plictisitoare, nu foarte bine conturata ca personaj, superficiala si deloc impresionata de descoperirile din lumea de jos, ea fiind totusi personajul principal al cartii. Cu indiferent ce situatie se intalneste, Cora se resemneaza imediat, nu pune intrebari, nu se agita. 

Dupa parerea mea, un personaj principal ar fi trebuit sa fie conturat in asa fel incat sa atraga cititorii, sa aiba caracter si sa stie sa lupte, pentru orice si oricine. Pe cand Corei, ii lipsesc toate acestea. Plus ca relatia ei cu fratele ei geaman, Lucas, este aproape inexistenta. Ceva in genul: "Aha. Bine. Ok."

Si de parca totul nu ar fi fost destul de dezamagitor, mai adaugati modul de scriere al autoarei, care mi s-a parut extrem de dificil, si intortocheat, si pe alocuri, fara sens. Pur si simplu au fost fraze pe care nu le-am putut intelege, nu am inteles ce a vrut sa spuna autoarea. 

Cu toata parerea de rau, nu recomand aceasta carte, consider ca este o pierdere de timp. Stiu ca poate sunt extrem de dura la adresa unei autoare care e posibil sa-si fi pus tot sufletul in cartea asta, dar sunt dezamagita. Mi-a fost foarte greu sa duc cartea la bun sfarsit, si asta nu pentru ca nu am avut timp, ci pentru ca este pur si simplu plictisitoare, si... indraznesc sa spun, desi ma repet, poate sunt extrem de dura, fara prea mare sens.

Ii dau totusi doua puncte din cinci, pentru ideea in sine, de care sunt sigura ca in alte conditii, ar fi fost mult mai bine valorificata.
