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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Interview - Kristina McBride + Giveaway - One Moment

Heya! Cum va simtiti pe caldura asta? Va e cald?
Pai... daca-mi dati voie, o sa incerc sa va racoresc eu cu un interviu si un giveaway.

Autoarea cartii One Moment a fost foarte draguta, si  mi-a raspuns la cateva intrebari, asa ca o sa va las sa va delectati cu interviul ce urmeaza. Apoi, daca v-am convins cu recenzia cartii pe care o puteti citi AICI, sper sa participati in numar mare la giveaway, care va avea ca premiu o copie a cartii One Moment.

Giveaway-ul va tine o luna, ca sa am si eu timp sa mai pun bani deoparte, sa cumpar cartea pentru castigator.
In caz ca va intrebati de ce o cumpar eu, ei bine, e pentru ca vreau din tot sufletul sa impartasesc cu voi sentimentele pe care le ofera cartea in timpul lecturii. Vreau sa va conving si sa va arat ca si cartea asta merita sa apara la noi, pentru ca are un mesaj intens, profund.

The Interview

1. What inspired you to write this book? 
The book itself was inspired when my publisher requested something “dark” to follow my first novel, The Tension of Opposites, which is about a girl whose best friend was kidnapped and returned two years later. As I started thinking “dark”, I decided to kill off a character in the first chapter and then base the book around his death. (That’s dark, right?)

2. One Moment is a book with a strong emotional impact. How would you describe the moments when you write it? 
Some of the scenes were very difficult for me to write – to avoid any spoilers, I don’t want to list any, specifically. When I’m writing those types of scenes, I remember that, much life real life, I have to get through the hard part before I can reach the point where everything might just turn out to be okay.

3. What was the think of the first person who read your book? 
I try not to read too many reviews, but when I came across the first, it was pretty exciting. Not only did it mean the book was finally real and reaching the hands of readers, that first reader gave me a glowing review. 

4. Maggie is a very strong person. You feel close to her? Like the character? 
Maggie has her strong and weak points. Having spent so much time with her (writing the first draft and moving through all the stages of revision), I do feel very close to her. 

5. If in real life you could choose to be one of the characters, what would it be? Why? 
If I could be any of these characters, I’d choose either Tanna or Pete. They just seem like cool, go-with-the-flow types of people. If I couldn’t BE them, I’d certainly hand out with them. 

6. What advice would you give writers who are starting out? 
Read as much as you can. Write as much as you can. And then do both some more. If you’re planning to attempt publication, have a solid plan to help yourself through rejection (mine includes lots of chocolate), because rejection is a big part of this industry. Though rejection can hurt, it’s not at all bad. It simply is what it is, so take it when it comes and move on (that means KEEP WRITING!).

7. A message to readers from Romania: 
I am so excited to know that I have readers in Romania! I hope you enjoy the book!


This was supposed to be the best summer of Maggie’s life. Now it’s the one she’d do anything to forget.

Maggie Reynolds remembers hanging out at the gorge with her closest friends after a blowout party the night before. She remembers climbing the trail hand in hand with her perfect boyfriend, Joey. She remembers that last kiss, soft, lingering, and meant to reassure her. So why can’t she remember what happened in the moment before they were supposed to dive? Why was she left cowering at the top of the cliff, while Joey floated in the water below—dead?

As Maggie’s memories return in snatches, nothing seems to make sense. Why was Joey acting so strangely at the party? Where did he go after taking her home? And if Joey was keeping these secrets, what else was he hiding?

The latest novel from the author of The Tension of OppositesOne Moment is a mysterious, searing look at how an instant can change everything you believe about the world around you.

About the Author

Kristina McBride, a former English teacher and yearbook advisor, dreamed of being a published author since she was a child and lived across the street from a library. Kristina has published two novels for young adults - The Tension of Opposites (May 2010) and One Moment (June 2012). She lives in Ohio with her husband and two young children. Visit her online at

The Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Iulya Elena said...

Ar fi super sa castig Experimentul Angel :X sau volumul 4 din Cercul Secret :D

mayabijoux said...

@Iulya, scuza-ma, dar ai citit postarea? Sau ai trecut direct la intrarile pentru giveaway? Pentru ca in cazul in care citeai macar prima parte, cea in romana, ai fi retinut de-acolo ca ceea ce poti castiga este cartea One Moment scrisa de autoarea careia i-am luat interviu, Kristina McBride.

Sabryy said...

pai cum adica ce carte vreau? Ca doar pentru " One Moment ma inscriu :x

mayabijoux said...

Auci... greseala mea, am folosit acelasi rafflecopter, si am uitat sa scot optiunea aceea cu cartea... imi cer scuze... e de la caldura... :D

mayabijoux said...

@Sabryy, am modificat greseala, sper sa fie ok acum. Ai fost mai atenta ca Iulya.

Sabryy said...

stai linistita, caldura ne omoara pe toti :))

ma si speriasem, credeam ca nu stiu sa citesc O.o oricum toata lumea mai greseste :*

Cristinab said...

frumos interviul !
multumim pentru concurs.
bafta tuturor :)