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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Announcement iPad Mini Giveaway

iPad Mini Holiday Event
Hosted by Mom to Bed by 8
Prizes: iPad Mini
Event dates: 11/21 - 12/5

Free Blog Event! Sign-up here, BLOGGERS WANTED

How about if I try to reward you, my readers, with such a prize? Would you like? What do you think about this?
I want to mention that I am not financed in any way this giveaway, I just joined the blog organizer.


Ce spuneti daca as incerca sa va rasplatesc pe voi, cititorii mei, cu un astfel de premiu? V-ar placea? Ce parere aveti despre asta?
Vreau sa mentionez ca eu nu am finantat in nici un fel acest giveaway , doar m-am alaturat blogului organizator.

Cărțile tale preferate SF, Fantasy si Horror cu 25% mai ieftine!

Cover reveal #71

The Dark Shore (The Atlanteans #2) by Kevin Emerson

Manipulation (Insight #2) by Jolene Perry

The Ward by Jordana Frankel

Paperpack reveal
Code Orange by Caroline B. Cooney

Rush (The Game #1) by Eve Silver

Reduceri de speriat! -40% la cartile de Halloween

Pro sau contra Halloween?

Grabeste-te! Prinde promotiile Nemira!

Editura Nemira te invita sa descoperi cei mai interesanti autori contemporani, precum Julian Barnes, John Banville sau John Barth, cu o reducere de 35% pentru titlurile din cadrul colectiei Babel .

Cauta adevaruri si explicatii in Sentimentul unui sfarsit , experimenteaza dinamica textelor in Pulssi invinge-ti temerile in Nimicul de temut .

Oferta este valabila pana la data de 5 noiembrie si nu se cumuleaza cu alte promotii sau cupoane de reducere.

"Teatrul nu este viata in miniatura, ci viata marita enorm, viata exagerata infiorator". H.L. Mencken

Te invitam pe scena, in fascinanta lume a teatrului, unde povestile asteapta sa prinda viata! Nemira iti ofera 35% reducere la colectia Yorick si "cele mai importante si mai frumoase lucrari care s-au scris de cand primul actor a pasit pe scena si pana astazi".

George Banu, Zeami, Peter Brook si Eugenio Barba sunt doar cativa dintre autorii Yorick, pe care Nemira te invita sa ii descoperi.

Oferta este valabila pana la data de 5 noiembrie si nu se cumuleaza cu alte promotii sau cupoane de reducere.

Editura Nemira iti ofera o reducere FLASH!

De marti, 30 octombrie, ora 10:00 si pana ziua urmatoare la aceeasi ora poti cumpara antologia de povestiri post-apocaliptice Taramurile pustiite, coordonata de John Joseph Adams, cu o reducere de 40%.

Au mai ramas doua zile in care iti poti speria prietenii si castiga premii surpriza de Halloween!

Inscrierile sunt deschise pana la data de 31 Octombrie.

Mai sunt doua zile in care poti fi nasul de botez al unui copacel. Comanda carti in valoare de de minim 100 de ron si lasa-ne in campul de comentarii numele pe care vrei sa i-l pui.

Pe toata durata lunii Octombrie, la orice cumparaturi de peste 100 de lei, Nemira va dona 10 lei pentru plantarea unui copacel in cadrul campaniei "Fa cadou un copac!".

Cover reveal #70

In The After by Demitria Lunetta

Unbreakable (Unraveling #2) by Elizabeth Norris

Coda by Emma Trevayne

Awaken (Abandon Trilogy #3) by Meg Cabot

Towering by Alex Flinn

Primele 100 de cuvinte... #35 LUNA NOUA de Stephenie Meyer

" Ma simteam de parca eram prinsa intr-unul din acele cosmaruri ingrozitoare, in care trebuie sa alergi, sa alergi pana iti plesnesc plamanii, dar nu-ti poti face corpul sa se minste indeajuns de repede. Picioarele imi incetineau in timp ca ma luptam sa imi fac drum prin multimea densa, dar acele uriasului ceas nu pareau sa incetineasca. Co forta neinduratoare si nepasatoare, se invarteau inexorabil spre sfarsit - spre sfarsitul tuturor lucrurulor.

Dar acesta nu era un vis si, spre deosebire de cosmar, nu alergam sa imi salvez mie viata; goneam sa salvez ceva infinit ma pretios. Astazi, propria viata insemna..."

Recenzie AMURG de Stephenie Meyer

O poveste de dragoste .... cu vampiri !

Isabella Swan nu are parte de prea multa distractie de cand s-a mutat din insorita Arizona in Forks, un orasel in care ploua mai tot timpul. Dar cand se indragosteste de misteriosul Edward Cullen, despre care colegii spun ca ar fi... vampir, viata ei ia o intorsatura total neasteptata!

Edward este la randul lui atras de Bella, dar si de mirosul sangelui ei, asa ca fiecare apropiere de iubita lui e in acelasi timp o placere si un chin teribil – daca Edward isi pierde capul pentru o clipa, Bella isi pierde viata...

Pentru Edward, Bella este ceea ce a asteptat timp de 90 de ani - sufletul lui pereche.

Dar ce se va intampla cu Edward si Bella atunci cand James, Laurent si Victoria, vampirii dusmani de moarte ai familiei Cullen, vin in oras, cu scopul de a o gasi pe Bella?


"De trei lucruri eram sigura. Primul, Edward era vampir.

Al doilea, o parte din el si nu stiam cat de puternica era aceea parte, era insetata dupa sangele meu.

Si al treilea, eram neconditionat si irevocabil indragostita de el"


O sa incep prin a va spune ca e cam aiurea sa citesti o carte abia dupa ce ai vazut ecranizarea acesteia. E oarecum ciudat, pentru ca ai senzatia ca citesti in gol, aproape mereu stii ce o sa se intample, si asta taie cu mult din entuziasmul de a citi o carte atat de buna. Cu toate astea, va garantez ca am papat fiecare cuvintel scris, m-am delectat cu viziunea perfecta a personajelor si am trait intens fiecare propozitie.

Nu stiu ce as mai putea sa adaug eu despre acesta carte, dat fiind ca a aparut de atata timp, si aproape oricine o stie, si o iubeste. Sa nu mai spun ca toata nebunia cu cartile fantasy pare a fi inceput cu aceasta carte, si implicit dependenta de citit a unora dintre noi.

Nu o sa o mai lungesc, pentru ca ar insemna sa ma apuc sa insir lucrurile pe care le stiti deja. O sa va spun doar ca OBLIGATORIU, daca sunteti dependenti de citit, asa ca mine, trebuie sa aveti si sa cititi seria asta. Si, ca o mica provocare pentru mine, mi-am pus in gand ca pana ce apare ultima parte a ecranizarii, sa termin si eu de citit toate cartile din serie. Asa ca urati-mi noroc, si tineti-mi pumnii stransi :)

NOTA: 4,5/5

Cover reveal #69

Sweet Peril (The Sweet Trilogy #2) by Wendy Higgins

This Strange and Familiar Place (So Close to You #2) by Rachel Carter

A Darkness Strange and Lovely (Something Strange and Deadly #2) by Susan Dennard

Elegy (Hereafter #3) by Tara Hudson

Goddess (Starcrossed #3) by Josephine Angelini


SUPRANATURAL, volumul 2 al seriei PARANORMAL de Kiersten White
Bestseller New York Times 
În curând în colecţia CORINTEENS a Editurii CORINT JUNIOR!

Am crezut că ştiu cum să te protejez.

Am crezut că ştiu cărui loc aparţin.

Dar lumea se transformă, iar lucrurile se schimbă.

Iar adevărul este că, de fapt, n-am ştiut nimic.

Evie ajunge să trăiască viaţa normală pe care şi-a dorit-o, dar descoperă uluită că este oarecum… plictisitoare. Tocmai când începe să ducă dorul zilelor petrecute la Agenţia Internaţională de Securitate pentru Paranormali, i se oferă şansa să lucreze din nou pentru aceasta şi acceptă. Însă misiunile dezastruoase se ţin lanţ, aşa că Evie se întreabă dacă a ales corect. Când fostul ei iubit silf, Reth, îi face dezvăluiri devastatoare privind trecutul ei, ea îşi dă seama că cele două Curţi ale silfilor pregătesc o luptă care ar provoca haos în lumea paranormală.
Miza? Însăşi Evie!
S-a zis cu normalitatea…

„Un deliciu pentru cei cărora le plac poveştile de dragoste combinate cu aventurile supranaturale.” – Kirkus Reviews
„Romanul este plin de răsturnări de situaţie palpitante, iar cititorii vor fi captivaţi de fiecare dezvăluire uluitoare.” – School Library Journal
KIERSTEN WHITE este autoarea romanului Paranormal, bestseller New York Times. Locuieşte în San Diego, aproape de ocean, împreună cu soţul ei şi cei doi copii, având o viaţă cât se poate de normală. Tocmai normalitatea copleşitoare i-a trezit pasiunea pentru lumea paranormală cu silfi, vampiri şi alte asemenea creaturi, precum şi fascinaţia pentru cultura pop.
Pentru informaţii suplimentare vizitaţi
Puteţi vizualiza aici trailerul cărţii:
Cartea are 352 pagini, format 13 x 20 cm, este cartonată şi are preţul de listă 39,90 lei. La precomandă veţi beneficia de 25% reducere şi veţi avea transportul gratuit.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Cover reveal #68

Frozen by Melissa de la Cruz & Michael Johnston

Interview - Sarah Beth Durst the autor of "Vessel"

The interview

1. Tell us something about yourself. How it started your passion for books, for written?
I have always wanted to be a writer. I think books are magic -- they have the power to transport you into other worlds, other lives, and other adventures -- and I have always wanted to be a part of that magic.

2. What inspired you to write this book?
I had a dream about a girl dancing barefoot on the sand. She was dancing joyfully, yet she knew at the end of the dance that she would die. This girl became Liyana, the protagonist of VESSEL, who is destined to sacrifice herself to save her family.

3. Music is part of your inspiration?
I often listen to music while I write. For VESSEL, I listened to a lot of instrumental music, mainly with drums and flute. For DRINK, SLAY, LOVE (my vampire and were-unicorn novel), I listened to more rock.

4. Do you have any ritual that you do each time before you begin to write?
Not really. I think rituals can easily become an excuse to avoid writing, so I try hard not to use them. Sometimes, though, it can help to listen to music that reminds you of your story. Or to write out thoughts before you begin. Or even to give yourself a little pep talk.

5. See the world through new eyes since you become a writer?
I think I've always seen the world as a writer. I've always told myself stories and always transformed the events of the day into a story in my mind. Stories are so much a part of who I am that I can't imagine seeing the world any other way.

6. What was the think of the first person who read your book?
My husband. He's always the first person who reads my books.

7. If in real life you could choose to be one of the fantasy characters, what would it be? Why?
I think I'd want to be a fairy godmother from fairy tales. She has incredible magic and nothing bad ever happens to her!

8. Got any other passion besides writing?
My family.
Also, chocolate!

9. What advice would you give writers who are starting out?
Don't give up! Try to write every day, even if it's only for five minutes. The best way to become a writer is to write as much as you can, as often as you can.

10. A message to readers from Romania:
Thank you so much for reading!


In a desert world of sandstorms and sand-wolves, a teen girl must defy the gods to save her tribe in this mystical, atmospheric tale from the author of Drink, Slay, Love.Liyana has trained her entire life to be the vessel of a goddess. The goddess will inhabit Liyana’s body and use magic to bring rain to the desert. But Liyana’s goddess never comes. Abandoned by her angry tribe, Liyana expects to die in the desert. Until a boy walks out of the dust in search of her.

     Korbyn is a god inside his vessel, and a trickster god at that. He tells Liyana that five other gods are missing, and they set off across the desert in search of the other vessels. For the desert tribes cannot survive without the magic of their gods. But the journey is dangerous, even with a god’s help. And not everyone is willing to believe the trickster god’s tale.

     The closer she grows to Korbyn, the less Liyana wants to disappear to make way for her goddess. But she has no choice: She must die for her tribe to live. Unless a trickster god can help her to trick fate—or a human girl can muster some magic of her own.

About the Author

Sarah Beth Durst is the author of young adult novels VesselDrink, Slay, LoveEnchanted Ivy, and Icefrom Simon & Schuster, as well as middle grade novels Into the Wild andOut of the Wild from Penguin Young Readers. She has twice been a finalist for SFWA's Andre Norton Award, for both Ice and Into the Wild.
Sarah was born in Massachusetts as Sarah Angelini and grew up in Northboro, a small town in central Mass that later became the setting for her debut novel.
At the age of ten, she decided she wanted to be a writer. (Before that, she wanted to be Wonder Woman, except with real flying ability instead of an invisible jet. She also would have accepted a career as a unicorn princess.) And she began writing fantasy stories.
She attended Princeton University, where she spent four years studying English, writing about dragons, and wondering what the campus gargoyles would say if they could talk.
Sarah lives in Stony Brook, New York, with her husband, her two children, and her ill-mannered cat.

Source about the author: Sarah Beth Durst's Site

In the Spotlight #4 THE IRON FEY Series by Julie Kagawa

The Iron King (The Iron Fey #1)

Meghan Chase has a secret destiny; one she could never have imagined.

Something has always felt slightly off in Meghan's life, ever since her father disappeared before her eyes when she was six. She has never quite fit in at school or at home.

When a dark stranger begins watching her from afar, and her prankster best friend becomes strangely protective of her, Meghan senses that everything she's known is about to change.

But she could never have guessed the truth - that she is the daughter of a mythical faery king and is a pawn in a deadly war. Now Meghan will learn just how far she'll go to save someone she cares about, to stop a mysterious evil no faery creature dare face; and to find love with a young prince who might rather see her dead than let her touch his icy heart.

The Iron Daughter (The Iron Fey #2)

Half Summer faery princess, half human, Meghan has never fit in anywhere. Deserted by the Winter prince she thought loved her, she is prisoner to the Winter faery queen. As war looms between Summer and Winter, Meghan knows that the real danger comes from the Iron fey—ironbound faeries that only she and her absent prince have seen. But no one believes her.
Worse, Meghan's own fey powers have been cut off. She's stuck in Faery with only her wits for help. Trusting anyone would be foolish. Trusting a seeming traitor could be deadly. But even as she grows a backbone of iron, Meghan can't help but hear the whispers of longing in her all-too-human heart.

The Iron Queen (The Iron Fey #3)

The third installment to the "New York Times" Bestseller.

My name is Meghan Chase.

I thought it was over. That my time with the fey, the impossible choices I had to make, the sacrifices of those I loved, was behind me. But a storm is approaching, an army of Iron fey that will drag me back, kicking and screaming. Drag me away from the banished prince who's sworn to stand by my side. Drag me into the core of conflict so powerful, I'm not sure anyone can survive it.

This time, there will be no turning back.

The Iron Knight (The Iron Fey #4)

"My name--my True Name--is Ashallayn' darkmyr Tallyn. I am the last remaining son of Mab, Queen of the Unseelie Court. And I am dead to her. My fall began, as many stories do, with a girl..."To cold faery prince Ash, love was a weakness for mortals and fools. His own love had died a horrible death, killing any gentler feelings the Winter prince might have had. Or so he thought.

Then Meghan Chase--a half human, half fey slip of a girl--smashed through his barricades, binding him to her irrevocably with his oath to be her knight. And when all of Faery nearly fell to the Iron fey, she severed their bond to save his life. Meghan is now the Iron Queen, ruler of a realm where no Winter or Summer fey can survive.

With the unwelcome company of his archrival, Summer Court prankster Puck, and the infuriating cait sith Grimalkin, Ash begins a journey he is bound to see through to its end--a quest to find a way to honor his vow to stand by Meghan's side.

To survive in the Iron Realm, Ash must have a soul and a mortal body. But the tests he must face to earn these things are impossible. And along the way Ash learns something that changes everything. A truth that challenges his darkest beliefs and shows him that, sometimes, it takes more than courage to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Cover reveal #67

Vortex (Tempest #2) by Julie Cross

Impostor by Susanne Winnacker

UK Cover 
Perception (Clarity #2) byKim Harrington

Omens (Omens & Shadows #2) by Kelley Armstrong

Demonosity by Amanda Ashby

Parallel by Lauren Miller

Born of Illusion by Teri Brown

Cold Steel (The Spiritwalker #3) by Kate Elliott

Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn