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Friday, August 31, 2012

Campanie de publicare Easy de Tammara Webber

Well, dap, a venit timpul sa ajut si eu la aceasta campanie, pentru ca am citit cartea, si... EXTREM de mult mi-a placut! A fost o reala lectie de viata.

OK, ca totul sa fie cat mai bine facut, sper, in ceea ce ma priveste pe mine, luand prima data parte la o campanie de publicare, o sa fac tot ce-mi sta in putinta ca aceasta campanie sa fie un real succes. In definitiv, nu ar trebui sa ne indoim de reusita, avand in vedere cartile ce o sa fie publicate si la noi, datorita BM.

Pentru inceput, tot ceea ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a ajuta la aceasta campanie, este sa intrati pe BM si sa votati in poll-ul din dreapta ca va doriti cartea si la noi.

Siii... din perspectiva mea, inca o data va spun, asa, ca sa pornim cu dreptul, mai tarziu ce-i drept :) , cartea o sa ajunga sa fie publicata si la noi. Mai ramane problema timpului. I'm right?

It drives me crazy! #5

E uimitor, surprinzator, meganeasteptat cat imi place melodia asta!!! Desi nici nu va imaginati cat ma dezgusta micutul asta de Bieber... bleah...
Thanks to Juliah (sau cine a scris pe pagina de facebook Carti cu Colti :D) ca mi-a amintit de ea.

Real inspiration #18

Voi cine sunteti? :)

Ok! Am gasit acest super test pe The Vampire Diaries Forever, si nu m-am putut abtine sa nu-l preiau si eu :D
Testul consta in 15 intrebari usoare, in urma carora veti afla cu ce personaj din Vampire Diaries va asemanati. Il puteti face AICI

Eu am descoperit ca ma aseman cu Elena :)

Precomanda FANTOMELE DIN ALTA LUME (Tara Duncan #7) de Sophie Audouin -Mamikonian

Interview - Tina Connolly the author of Ironskin

Thank you Tina for this interview, and goodluck with your book!

The interview

1. Tell us something about yourself. How it started your passion for books, for written?
I started out wanting to be on Broadway, actually. But I was also a huge reader. When I got out of college I ended up in a job where I worked odd night shift hours and I couldn't do I started writing. I miss the collaboration of theatre, but at the same time I love that writing lets me control the entire story myself, and decide what things are important to me to write about.

2. What inspired you to write this book?
I had just finished a quirky YA urban fantasy, and I wanted to write something entirely different. I had a novella that had been a finalist at the Writers of the Future contest, and I realized I had a lot more to say about the characters and the world. Ironskin let me explore some things I was thinking about beauty and power, while at the same time telling a simple story of love and growing up.

3. Music is part of your inspiration?
 Sadly, I can't listen to music while I write - I get too distracted! I did listen to the Jane Eyre soundtrack in the car at the same time I was doing revisions, though. (I mean, during the months I was doing revisions...not that I was revising in the car...)

4. See the world through new eyes since you become a writer?
My main interest in both writing and acting has always been obsessing about what makes people tick. I want to know why people do what they do, and how they interact. So I've always been a people-watcher, I guess!

5. What was the think of the first person who read your book?
The folks in my crit group were the first three people to read it. They were overall positive, which was quite a relief. And then they pointed out all my regular first draft problems, like I rush the ending and don't put in any setting, lol. I always have to fix those things in draft 2.

6. If in real life you could choose to be one of the fantasy characters, what would it be? Why? 
If I were going to be someone in my book...well, perhaps it would be cool to be Dorie. I mean, she's very odd, but I think what happens to her in the future is going to be interesting. When I was little I was obsessed with the Oz books, so I would have told you Dorothy or Ozma...or actually probably Trot, because she gets to see the mermaids in The Sea Fairies.

7. Got any other passion besides writing?
Yup, definitely the theatre. I sadly don't have time to audition for anything these days, but I've been having a lot of fun podcasting for Escape Pod and Podcastle, and for my own mini podcast, Toasted Cake. I also love to draw, which is why I ended up working as a face painter. I've been doing that for about seven years now, and it's still tremendously fun. I love talking to the kids about the sort of things they like.

8. What advice would you give writers who are starting out? 
Keep at it! Don't be afraid of rejection! I've got about 30-40 story and poem sales, many to top SF markets...and it took me 500 rejections to get there. My acceptance rate is WAY better these days, but when I just started out, it was very slow-going. Also my favorite writing advice is to find what you love and then put in lots of it.

9. A message to readers from Romania: 
Thanks so much for reading this interview! Thanks to Maria for having me on her blog!


Jane Eliot wears an iron mask. 

It’s the only way to contain the fey curse that scars her cheek. The Great War is five years gone, but its scattered victims remain—the ironskin. 

When a carefully worded listing appears for a governess to assist with a "delicate situation"—a child born during the Great War—Jane is certain the child is fey-cursed, and that she can help. 

Teaching the unruly Dorie to suppress her curse is hard enough; she certainly didn’t expect to fall for the girl’s father, the enigmatic artist Edward Rochart. But her blossoming crush is stifled by her own scars, and by his parade of women. Ugly women, who enter his closed studio...and come out as beautiful as the fey. 

Jane knows Rochart cannot love her, just as she knows that she must wear iron for the rest of her life. But what if neither of these things is true? Step by step Jane unlocks the secrets of her new life—and discovers just how far she will go to become whole again.

About the Author

Writer, face painter, deeply committed to pie for breakfast.

I use LibraryThing to list the eleventy billion books I own, so I decided to use GoodReads to list the books I'm reading. I loved doing the Summer Reading Program as a kid and keeping a list of the books I read (um, way more than would fit on their little form). So since 2004 I've been keeping a record for my own amusement. And trying to do less re-reading. (But I love re-reading!)

Occasionally I rate a book or make comments on it, but mostly I don't. (I have a new baby. He eats all my time.) So the absence of stars does not mean I didn't like it. :)

Source about the author: Goodreads - Tina Connolly

Cover reveal #28

The Goddess Inheritance (Goddess Test #3) by Aimee Carter

Vengeance Bound by Justina Ireland

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Primele 100 de cuvinte... #23 Jurnalele lui Stefan - SETE DE SANGE de L. J. Smith

" Poetii si filozofii pe care i-am iubit odinioara s-au inselat. Moartea nu vine chiar pentru toti dintre noi, si nici trecerea timpului nu ne sterge treptat amintirea, si nu ne preface trupul in tarana. Pentru ca, in timp ce eram declarat mort, si o piatra de mormant inscriptionata cu numele meu era asezata pe pamantul rece, simbolizandu-mi sfarsitul lumesc, in realitate, viata mea abia incepea. Era de parca as fi dormit in toti acesti ani, toropit in noaptea cea mai intunecoasa, doar ca sa ma trezesc intr-o lume mult mai stralucitoare, mai dezlantuita, mai palpitanta decat mi-as fi imaginat vreodata. ..."

Real inspiration #17


Un thriller romantic, plin de aventuri, suspans şi, nu în ultimul rând, umor

New York Times Bestseller
PE CUVÂNT DE SPIOANĂ, volumul 2 din seria FETELE GALLAGHER de ALLY CARTER ─ din 4 septembrie împreună cu revista Bravo Girl
După ce l-a urmărit (aplicând cele mai bune metode de operaţiuni sub acoperire), l-a cucerit şi apoi a trebuit să renunţe la primul ei prieten, Josh, tot ce-şi doreşte acum Cammie este un semestru liniştit, fără băieţi. (De altfel, cam aşa suna şi promisiunea făcută în faţa unui detector de minciuni într-un buncăr subteran secret al CIA!) Dar asta e mai uşor de spus decât de făcut când eşti elevă la cea mai bună şcoală din lume pentru spioane, Colegiul Gallagher pentru Tinere Excepţionale.
Şi deşi Cammie are un I.Q. de geniu, tot mai există unele lucruri pe care nu le ştie. De pildă: oare fostul ei prieten o să-şi aducă vreodată aminte de existenţa ei? Cât de mult va trebui ea să plătească pentru ceea ce a făcut în semestrul trecut? Şi, cea mai importantă întrebare dintre toate: de ce se poartă mama ei atât de ciudat?
În ciuda celor mai bune intenţii ale lui Cammie de a fi o elevă normală, se pare că pericolul o însoţeşte mereu. După ce este învinuită pentru o breşă de securitate care pune în primejdie statutul ultrasecret al şcolii, Cammie şi prietenele ei află că şcoala lor urmează să găzduiască nişte musafiri misterioşi ─ nume de cod: Blackthorne.
Şi, în curând, fetele se strecoară prin pereţi şi coridoare secrete, montează microfoane şi dispozitive de urmărire şi iau amprente pentru a afla adevărul despre Blackthorne şi pentru a o disculpa pe Cammie. Chiar dacă au încredere în talentele lor de spioane, de data asta ţintele sunt mai dificile (şi mai sexy!), iar miza pentru inima lui Cammie ─ şi iubita ei şcoală ─ mai uriaşă ca niciodată.
Romance (fără a fi însă sirop!) plus spionaj, iată o reţetă fantastică, iar ultimele capitole, total neaşteptate şi complet surprinzătoare, dau acea notă de originalitate care a marcat şi primul volum al seriei.

ALLY CARTER, pe adevăratul ei nume Sarah Leigh Fogleman, s-a născut în 1974 în Oklahoma.
A urmat cursurile Universităţii de Stat din Oklahoma şi ale Universităţii Cornell.
Prima ei carte a fost un roman chick lit, Cheating at Solitaire (2005), a cărui continuare, Learning to Play Gin, a apărut în 2006. Tot în 2006 a fost publicat şi primul ei roman pentru adolescenţi,Dacă ţi-aş spune că te iubesc, ar trebui să te omor, cel dintâi volum din seria Fetele Gallagher, ce are ca subiect aventurile dintr-o şcoală de spioane, Colegiul Gallagher.
O altă serie pentru adolescenţi, din care au apărut deja trei volume, se numeşte Heist Society şi are în centrul ei o afacere de familie specializată în… furturi.
Cărţile lui Ally Carter au fost publicate în peste douăzeci de ţări, apărând pe listele de bestselleruri ale New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, precum şi Barnes and Noble, IndieBound şi Bookscan.

Pentru mai multe informaţii despre autoare şi cărţile ei, accesaţi site-ul

Recenzie Jurnalele lui Stefan - INCEPUTURILE de L. J. Smith

In acest prim roman care deschide o noua serie captivanta, fanii bine-cunoscutului hit de televiziune Jurnalele Vampirilor vor afla in cele din urma cum o poveste de dragoste pasionala, tesuta in jurul unei fete periculoase, a transformat doi frati iubitori in dusmani de moarte.

In timpul Razboiului Civil, intr-un cadru dominat de mari mosii, averi fabuloase si secrete mortale, trei adolescenti din Mystic Falls, Virginia, formeaza un triunghi amoros torid ce va strabate secolele. Cei doi frati Stefan si Damon Salvatore sunt de nedespartit pana ce o intalnesc pe Katherine, o tanara uluitoare si misterioasa. Deveniti rivali, ei isi disputa inima lui Katherine doar ca sa descopere ca somptuoasele ei toalete de matase si nestemate sclipitoare ascund un secret cumplit: Katherine este vampir. si este hotarata sa ii transforme si pe ei tot in vampiri, ca sa poata vietui impreuna − pentru totdeauna.


Dupa lupte seculare, am reusit sa fac si eu rost de primele 3 volume, aparute anul trecut la Leda, ale seriei Jurnalele lui Stefan! Oricum, pentru doritori, s-a anuntat deja retiparirea lor, si punerea in vanzare, incepand cu luna septembrie.

Well, am citit deci primul volum pe nerasuflate, chiar daca a stat mai multe zile la rubrica "Currently Reading".
Mi-a placut, mi-a placut, si iar mi-a placut. Actiune, plasare in timp, personaje, modul de scriere, toate au fost la nivelul asteptarilor mele.

In aceasta carte insa, ce mi-a placut cel mai mult, e ca am descoperit si alte laturi mai... diferite, ale lui Stefan si Damon, sau, cel putin, asa mi s-a parut mie.

Si, cu toate ca practic am "papat" acest prim volum, l-am adorat pur si simplu, nu-i pot da maxim de punctaj... De ce? Pentru ca am citit toate celelalte volume publicate de Leda la noi, si ma uit si la serial, asa ca nu am aflat prea multe noutati, si eram oarecum in tema cu povestea. Dar, ma repet, doar asta ma impiedica sa-i dau punctajul maxim, si atat, nimic mai mult!

NOTA: 4,5/5

Monday, August 27, 2012

Cover reveal #27

Whisper's Edge (Whisper Walker Series #2) by London Cole

Jurnalele lui Stefan CONSTRANGEREA #6 - Maine cu revista Bravo

Având la bază serialul de televiziune de mare succes inspirat de seria de romane semnate de L.J. Smith, Jurnalele lui Stefan dezvăluie adevărul despre ceea ce s-a întâmplat în realitate între Stefan, Damon şi Katherine… şi cum a debutat triunghiul amoros din Jurnalele vampirilor. Stefan şi Damon credeau că ştiu ce înseamnă răul. Însă nimic nu se compară cu Samuel, nemilosul vampir pornit să răzbune moartea lui Katherine prin nimicirea fraţilor Salvatore. Străduindu-se să-şi revină de pe urma ultimului atac al acestui duşman care nu cunoaşte mila, Stefan şi Damon primesc ajutor de la cine s-ar fi aşteptat cel mai puţin – lady Alice şi vrăjitorii ei. Împreună, ei descoperă că planul lui Samuel este cu mult mai sinistru decât şi-ar fi putut imagina vreodată. Unica lor speranţă este să-l oprească înainte ca el să dobândească puterea de a controla oameni, vampiri şi vrăjitori, deopotrivă. Dacă dau greş, nu numai Stefan şi Damon, ci şi toţi locuitorii Londrei vor cădea victime puterii exercitate de Samuel. Ceea ce ar însemna un adevărat dezastru!

Traducere: Adrian Deliu 
ISBN: 978-973-102-521-6 
Nr pagini: 256 
Format: 10,5 x 17,5 cm 
Aparitie: 2012 


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Cover reveal #26

 Chantress by Amy Butler Greenfield

Naturals (The Lost Souls #2) by Tiffany Truitt

Fade to Black by Francis Knight

New Moon: The Graphic Novel Vol.1 (Twilight: The Graphic Novel #3) by Stephenie Meyer, Young Kim

Primele 100 de cuvinte... #22 Jurnalele lui Stefan: INCEPUTURILE de L. J. Smith

" I se spune ora vrajitoarelor, acel moment din miezul noptii cand toti oamenii dorm, iar creaturile noptii pot sa le auda respiratia, sa le simta mirosul sangelui, sa le priveasca desfasurarea viselor. E momentul cand lumea e a noastra, cand putem sa vanam, sa ucidem, sa aparam.

E vremea cand am cea mai mare pofta sa ma hranesc. Dar trebuie sa mi-o infranez. Pentru ca, infranandu-ma, vanand doar acele animale ale caror sange nu curge mai repede din cauza dorintei, ale caror inimi nu bat mai tare de bucurie, ale caror pofte mistuitoare nu le fac sa viseze, eu pot..."

Recenzie/Review EASY by Tammara Webber

A girl who believes trust can be misplaced, promises are made to be broken, and loyalty is an illusion. A boy who believes truth is relative, lies can mask unbearable pain, and guilt is eternal. Will what they find in each other validate their conclusions, or disprove them all?

When Jacqueline follows her longtime boyfriend to the college of his choice, the last thing she expects is a breakup two months into sophomore year. After two weeks in shock, she wakes up to her new reality: she's single, attending a state university instead of a music conservatory, ignored by her former circle of friends, and failing a class for the first time in her life.

Leaving a party alone, Jacqueline is assaulted by her ex's frat brother. Rescued by a stranger who seems to be in the right place at the right time, she wants nothing more than to forget the attack and that night--but her savior, Lucas, sits on the back row of her econ class, sketching in a notebook and staring at her. Her friends nominate him to be the perfect rebound.

When her attacker turns stalker, Jacqueline has a choice: crumple in defeat or learn to fight back. Lucas remains protective, but he's hiding secrets of his own. Suddenly appearances are everything, and knowing who to trust is anything but easy.


What can I say about this wonderful book? What can I add to make you to love if you don't yet?

To say that reading itself is a life lesson? To say that the main characters are perfectly normal, that go through situations that may accompany each of us, at any time? That if you leave the book will touch your heart, you will definitely find yourself in one of the two main characters? Than you have part of life experience, invaluable, priceless?

If you need to repeat all this stuff, over and over, just to make you read it, I'll do it with all my heart. Perhaps you wonder why ...

Because I didn't stop crying during the entire reading, and when I got the end ... all those critical circumstances, the whole story, and the realization that each of us can hide a Jacqueline and Lucas, hit me with such force and realization, that tears began to roll down my cheeks, happy that can take place after a deep reading.

To read such a book, need to know to follow your dreams, and know to look beyond the appearance of a person. To know to remark whatever gives your life, and reveal your feelings, when you feel you have to do.

But if you can't do all this, "Easy" will learn you.

" Choosing to be with you isn't a difficult decision, Jacqueline,... It's easy. Incredibly easy"




Ce va mai pot spune eu in plus despre aceasta minunata carte? Ce va mai pot adauga sa va fac s-o iubiti, daca nu o faceti inca? 

Sa va spun ca lectura in sine este o lectie de viata? Sa va spun ca personajele principale sunt absolut normale, ca trec prin situatii ce ne pot insotii pe fiecare dintre noi, oricand? Ca daca lasati cartea sa va atinga inima, o sa va regasiti cu siguranta intr-unul dintre cele doua personaje principale? Ca o sa aveti parte de o experienta de viata, inestimabila, de nepretuit?

Daca e nevoie sa va repet toate chestiile astea, la nesfarsit, doar sa va fac s-o cititi, o s-o fac cu toata inima. Poate va intrebati de ce... 

Pentru ca m-am abtinut sa nu plang pe parcursul intregii lecturi, iar cand am ajuns la final... toate acele situatii-limita, toata povestea, si realizarea ca in fiecare dintre noi se poate ascunde o Jacqueline si un Lucas, m-au lovit cu o asemenea forta si realizare, incat lacrimile au inceput sa-mi curga pe obraji, fericite ca se pot desfasura dupa o lectura profunda. 

Sa citesti o asemenea carte, trebuie sa stii sa-ti urmezi visele, si sa stii sa privesti dincolo de infatisarea unei persoane. Sa stii sa remarci tot ceea ce-ti daruieste viata, si sa-ti dezvalui sentimentele, atunci cand simti ca trebuie sa o faci. 

Daca insa nu stii sa faci toate astea, "Easy" te va invata.

" Choosing to be with you isn't a difficult decision, Jacqueline,... It's easy. Incredibly easy"

NOTA: 5+/5

Seria TARA DUNCAN de Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian CONTINUĂ!

Fantomele din AltăLume
Volumul 7 din seria Tara Duncan
din luna septembrie în librării!
Tara Duncan, Moştenitoarea Omois-ului (cel mai mare imperiu uman de pe planeta AltăLume), pregăteşte o poţiune cu ajutorul căreia vrea să-l readucă printre cei vii pe tatăl ei, acum fantomă în CealaltăLume, unde a ajuns după ce a fost ucis de Magister, conducătorul sangravilor.
În acelaşi timp, Cal încearcă să prepare aceeaşi poţiune, ca s-o readucă în lumea lui pe Eleanora, tânără Hoaţă Patentată de care este îndrăgostit lulea. Cele două poţiuni intră în rezonanţă, deschizând un portal către CealaltăLume. Sute de fantome invadează planeta altmundanilor, grăbite să găsească fiecare un trup în care să se reîncarneze. Persoanele care nu pot fi posedate sunt ucise. În doar câteva ore, Împărăteasa, miniştrii, toţi ceilalţi reprezentanţi ai puterii sunt luaţi în stăpânire de fantome, care ajung astfel să domine AltăLumea.

Singura care reuşeşte să se salveze este Tara. Iubitul ei, Robin, moare sub ochii săi, ucis de-o fantomă. Profund îndurerată, tânăra este ascunsă de căpetenia Gărzilor în Castelul Viu din Lancovit, unde soseşte şi prietenul ei Cal, care încearcă s-o îmbărbăteze: Tara nu are dreptul să se lase pradă tristeţii, doar este Moştenitoarea Imperiului Omois…
Fără ea, fără puterea magiei sale, Rezistenţa nu are nicio şansă de izbândă.
Pentru că, în secret, rebeli curajoşi – elfi, pitici, vampyri, oameni – pun la cale lupta împotriva invadatoarelor.
În timp ce este căutată în întreg imperiul, iar pe capul ei se pune o recompensă apreciabilă, Tara descoperă – răsfoind Cartea Întunecatelor Secrete – că există o singură modalitate de a distruge fantomele.
Oare va reuşi Tara să salveze AltăLumea şi să găsească în ea puterea de a reveni la viaţă?
Sau se va lăsa pradă morţii, din dorinţa de a-l reîntâlni pe Robin?
Aventură, dragoste, magie, umor – cu sorţitoarea Tara Duncan, scriitoarea Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian a cucerit sute de mii de cititori din întreaga lume.
„Tara Duncan este sora mai mică, franţuzoaică, a lui Harry Potter.” – Paris Match
Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian „este o JK Rowling a Franţei!” – Elle
  • Serie tradusă în 18 limbi
  • Peste 900 000 de exemplare vândute
  • Un film de desene animate difuzat în 20 de ţări
Vizualizaţi aici clipul coloanei sonore a seriei animate Tara Duncan:

Cover reveal #25

Gilded Wings (The Angel Chronicles #2) by Amy Lignor

Timeless (Transcend Time Saga #3) by Michelle Madow

Chosen at Nightfall (Shadow Falls #5) by C. C. Hunter

 The Rules (Project Paper Doll#1) by Stacey Kade

Blood Doll (The Vampire Agape #3) by Georgia Cates

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Real inspiration #16

Concurs 100 Like pe Facebook!

Update!!! Nu pot participa partenerii!!!

Am atins 100 de like-uri pe Facebook, si, asa cum v-am promis, avem concurs. Da! Din nou! Incantati?

O sa aleg doi castigatori. Primul va primii Raspantii (Legaminte #2) de Ally Condie, iar cel de-al doilea, un semn de carte surpriza, ceva mai special ;)

Cartea Raspantii este oferita de libraria online

Asa dupa cum stiti deja, Libris .ro are o foarte mare varietate de carti, printre care veti gasi si multe carti in engleza, dupa placul fiecaruia. este una dintre cele mai bune alegeri pentru "shopping" de carti online.


Cover reveal #24

Uprising (Children of the Gods #2) by Jessica Therrien

Ever After (The Hollows #11) by Kim Harrison

Flutter by Melissa Andrea

 Flukes by Nichole Chase

Castigator nou...

OK, pentru ca LarisSa L. nu si-a revendicat premiul constand in pachet swag Auracle, desi au trecut 3 zile, am ales un alt castigator.

Felicitari Cristina B.!!! Si, ca sa nu fie nici un fel de confuzie, B. este de la Buzoianu!

Bestsellere la reducere - profita acum!

In cadrul promotiei Autori de Top gasiti cartile a patru dintre cei mai buni autori publicati de Editura Nemira cu reducere de 45%.

Profita saptamana aceasta de oferta Editurii Nemira de peste 90 de titluri cu reducere de 40%!

Introduceti textul "august2012" in campul "COD PROMOTIE" din cosul dumneavoastra de cumparaturi pentru a profita de reducerea de 50% la cartile Nemira achizitionate.
Daca sunteti nascuti in luna august, aveti inca o ocazie de a profita de reducerea de 50% la orice comanda de carti publicate in print de Editura Nemira.
Oferta este valabila in perioada 23 - 30 august si nu se cumuleaza cu alte promotii sau cupoane de reducere.

Noutati Libris!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Interview - Cameron Jace the author of Snow White Sorrow

First, I want to Thank You Cam for this great interview, which is itself a beautiful story.
Second, I hope you all enjoy.

The Interview

1. What inspired you to write this book?
Because I am nuts. Lol. Seriously, there is something wrong with the wires in my brain. My sole reason for writing stories is that I looked for them in the bookstore and couldn't find them, so I finally said, wow, why don't i write them to amuse myself and then if others like it that would be awesome too.
So about Snow White Sorrow, I've always thought that the way fairy tales are approached in books and movies is nonsense. In face, as much as I love Disney, I don't like their takes on most fairy tales. The other thing is that I've always wanted to read a book where I can spend a real time with Snow White, not just a steroptypical fairy tale, and I've always wondered about the Queen, who she is and what her real name was, and why she was so evil.
And one day, I noticed that Snow White and Dracula have the same color theme in common between them. They both appear in black, red, and white color. Both of them were pale. And it suddenly hit me. What if Snow White was a vampire? Why not?
So I searched the internet to see if this story has already been written, and found Neil Gaiman's and Tanith Lee's take on the story. They both have written short stories where she was a vampire. But then, it wasn't enough, not fulfilling. They didn't give a reason or see it my way. When i continued my research, I almost think now that she is a vampire, and that is what the story is about. What will her story be like, if she were a vampire.

2. Tell us about your book.
I think I answered this in question one. I know. I talk a lot. That's why i have to put into books.

3. What determined you to try to shake centuries of story, to write another version of Snow White, a new and unimaginable version?
Although this might also be answered in answer number one, I'd add that i have done crazy research about why she could be a vampire. I mean in the books I will tell where the mirror came from with evidence, who here mother was, and why her mother wanted a child that had lips red as blood and hair black as ( night in my case ) and skin white (pale) like snow. I created a family tree and an own history of snow white that is dark and unimaginable that the Brothers Grimm had to bury the truth.

4. What was the think of the first person who read your book? But the first impression about the new Snow White?
I can't say. Because the story itself is full of twists. That's why I wrote the Grimm Prequels, short novellas that prepare for the main book, so a reader gets an idea about what to expect. But over all I get the comment this book is like a poisoned apple, once you take a bite, you will never think about fairy tales the same way again.

5. If in real life you could choose to be one of the characters, what would it be? Why?
That's an awesome question. There is a character I consider myself to be in the fairy tale world. I really want to say, but if I do, I might spoil all of book 2 for you.

6. What advice would you give writers who are starting out?
First of all, I need advice like all writers. I an indie writer, self published. But from my short experience in the last three month publishing short stories and so, I'd say one thing: Don't Wait! You got a story, now? in your mind? Go sit and write it before it evaporates, before the feelings that came along with it stiffen. Then use today's ebook revolution, whether kindle, nook, or even Fiction Press and publish it. Put it out free, because what you need is feedback, and you will in a shorter time than anyone.
I used to play guitar in a band until I was 23. And I know one thing for sure, that in my very first concert, the singer dropped mute, and I froze and couldn't strike the chords, and in the very last, I had fans who didn't want me to leave where I was performing. To become an artist, you will have to throw yourself out to the lions. Use the new technology and decide that it's not the final product. It's a place to learn from until one day when you read your own book, you say, ha! This will kick ass. I like it, and that's what matters:)

7. A message to readers from Romania:
Like I said in many other forums, Romanian youth have been the kindest to me. I get alot of email from them and they are encouraging and very creative. I met Romanian people and they seem all to have heart. I can't explain it further. Somethings are only felt:)


What if all you knew about fairy tales was wrong?

Sixteen year old Loki Blackstar is no Prince Charming. His mother is a ghost. His only friend is a red Cadillac that talks to him through the radio. He looks like an Angel but acts like jerk. No wonder he has been banned from Heaven, which is the least of his troubles. Loki needs a job to pay for school and support himself.

Still, Loki has a rare gift: He is a Dreamhunter. One of the few in the world who can hunt and kill immortal demons in their dreams so they never wake up again.

When Loki is sent to kill a sixteen-year-old vampire girl the locals call Snow White Sorrow, he is pulled into a magical but dangerous world. The locals believe the monster to be Snow White.

The real Snow White... living in the ruins of an ancient castle in a small town. She is described as horribly beautiful, terrifyingly enchanting, and wickedly lovely.

What he finds instead is a beautiful monster girl filled with rage and hurt, who has an epic untold story to tell of things such like why the Brothers Grimm altered the fairy tale, who the Evil Queen really is, where the mirror came from, and who possessed it.

Snow White has killed every person who has dared come near the castle where she once lived with the queen. Mysteriously, she lets Loki live.

About the Author

Cameron writes books that he can't find elsewhere, basically to amuse himself. Everything Cameron does is for fun, so don't take him seriously. Never call him a writer. He hates that. He prefers the word: Storyteller, or the boy next door who claims he can tell stories.

If you like his books, horaaaay! He loves ya too. If ya don't, hoooray! Now we know in advance that this relationship isn't going to work.

Although his books are ordinary on the surface, they hold many secrets that he might reveal one day. What matters the most to him are characters struggling to find their identities and place in the world.

He also writes under another pen name that shall be revealed later.

Things you Don't need to know:
He celebrates his birthday twice a year, the day he was born and Friday the 13th. He wants to live in a bubble house. He lives in San Fransisco when he has no money. When he does, he travels away, and that's when he writes best. He is a damn good guitar player. He is damn good architecture college drop out. He likes boats, beaches, bears, beards, bananas, bars, barfights, beans, bikes, bones, butter, babes, bakery, blizzards, and pirates ( he thought it was spelled Birates when he was a kid. )
And honestly, writing in third person sucks! It's so fake.

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Source about the author: Goodreads - Cameron Jace