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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Recenzie/Review ONYX (Lux#2) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Being connected to Daemon Black sucks…

Thanks to his alien mojo, Daemon’s determined to prove what he feels for me is more than a product of our bizarro connection. So I’ve sworn him off, even though he’s running more hot than cold these days. But we’ve got bigger problems.

Something worse than the Arum has come to town…

The Department of Defense are here. If they ever find out what Daemon can do and that we're linked, I’m a goner. So is he. And there's this new boy in school who’s got a secret of his own. He knows what’s happened to me and he can help, but to do so, I have to lie to Daemon and stay away from him. Like that's possible. Against all common sense, I'm falling for Daemon. Hard.

But then everything changes…

I’ve seen someone who shouldn’t be alive. And I have to tell Daemon, even though I know he’s never going to stop searching until he gets the truth. What happened to his brother? Who betrayed him? And what does the DOD want from them—from me?

No one is who they seem. And not everyone will survive the lies…


OK, can you tell me how good it can be a book? What makes it so good? What are the criteria on which is based a good book? If not, I say.

A book can be so good, that you can't detach yourself from it, even sleep with it as a pillow. It can be so good that you dream what you read. What makes it so good? Well, let's see.
Complex actions, strong character, key happenings, perfect way of writing, and last but not least, the approach to the subject. All of this can be found in perfectly balanced proportions in Onyx.

Well, as I said in the review of the first volume, which you can read here, looking forward to read this book. And wait it did worth of content! I was not at all disappointed by this continuation of the story, not that I had any reason.

What I still struggle to say, and I hope I will do my best, is God!!! I love this series!!! How much can I love it, so I don't become obsessed with it? OK, OK, I admit, I'm a little obsessed :D  But I also have reasons! So don't rush to conclusions ;)

One reason is that I love equally Kat and Daemon. Okay, okay, I admit, a bit more on Daemon. Relationship, complicated and easy at the same time, between them, delight the reader. Teasing continues, but downright explosive situations, also. Both evolves extremely pleasant and perfect, book that easily could have been based only on the relationship between Kat and Daemon, without affecting the success.

Next reason would be twists of situation, and inability to predict the next actions, writer surprises for readers. Because, thankfully, book is full of such moments, in which simply don't realize what may still follow. And this is one of the strengths of this second volume.

In conclusion, book is only good for reading, a must-have for any avid reader, end, reasons given above, I can give only maximum rating.




OK, imi puteti spune cat de buna poate fi o carte? Ce o face sa fie atat de buna? Care sunt criteriile pe care se bazeaza o carte buna?
Daca nu, va spun eu. 

O carte poate fi atat de buna, incat sa nu te mai poti dezlipi de ea, chiar sa dormi cu ea pe post de perna. Poate fi atat de buna incat sa visezi ceea ce ai citit, incat sa-ti intre in reflex dialogurile personajelor.
Ce o face sa fie atat de buna? Pai, sa vedem. 
Actiunea complexa, caracterul puternic al personajelor, intamplarile-cheie, modul perfect de scriere, si nu in ultimul rand, modul de abordare a subiectului. Toate astea se regasesc in proportii perfect echilibrate in Onyx.

Ei bine, asa cum v-am spus in recenzia primului volum, pe care o puteti citi aici, abia asteptam sa citesc prezentul volum. Si asteptarea s-a facut demna de continut! Nu am fost absolut deloc dezamagita de aceasta continuare a povestii, nu ca as fi avut vreun motiv.

Ceea ce ma tot chinui sa va spun, si sper ca o s-o fac cat mai bine, este ca Dumnezeule!!! adooor seria asta!!! Cat pot s-o ador de mult , astfel incat sa nu devin obsedata de ea? OK, bine, recunosc, sunt putin obsedata :D . Da' am si motive sa stiti! Asa ca nu va grabiti cu concluzii pripite ;)

Unul dintre motive ar fi ca ii iubesc in egala masura pe Kat si pe Daemon. Bine, bine, recunosc, putin mai mult pe Daemon :) Relatia complicata si usoara in acelasi timp, dintre ei, face deliciul cititorului. Tachinarile continua, dar si situatiile explozive de-a dreptul, de asemenea.  Amandoi evolueaza extrem de placut si perfect, incat cu usurinta cartea ar fi putut fi bazata doar pe relatia dintre Kat si Daemon, neafectandu-i din succes.

Urmatorul motiv ar fi intorsaturile de situatie, si neputinta de a prevedea actiunile urmatoare, surprizele scriitoarei pentru cititori. Pentru ca, din fericire, cartea e plina de astfel de momente, in care pur si simplu nu-ti dai seama ce ar putea sa mai urmeze. Si asta este unul dintre punctele forte ale acestui secund volum.

In concluzie, cartea este numai buna de citit, un must-have pentru orice cititor inrait, si, date fiind motivele de mai sus, nu-i pot acorda decat maximum de punctaj.

NOTA: 5+/5


Cristinab said...

buna recenzia. si mie mi-a placut foarte mult! astept cu nerabdare Opal!