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Monday, May 21, 2012

Recenzie/Review OBSIDIAN (Lux #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Starting over sucks.
When we moved to West Virginia right before my senior year, I'd pretty much resigned myself to thick accents, dodgy internet access, and a whole lot of boring.... until I spotted my hot neighbor, with his looming height and eerie green eyes. Things were looking up.
And then he opened his mouth.
Daemon is infuriating. Arrogant. Stab-worthy. We do not get along. At all. But when a stranger attacks me and Daemon literally freezes time with a wave of his hand, well, something...unexpected happens. 
The hot alien living next door marks me.
You heard me. Alien. Turns out Daemon and his sister have a galaxy of enemies wanting to steal their abilities, and Daemon's touch has me lit up like the Vegas Strip. The only way I'm getting out of this alive is by sticking close to Daemon until my alien mojo fades. 
If I don't kill him first, that is.


OMG!!! I LOVED OBSIDIAN!!! It is the coolest book ever! I tell you sincerely that it surpasses all the books I have read. In my opinion, it fights with The Vampire Diaries series for 1st place, which is .. WOW! I never thought that I’d like this book so much. This book is phenomenal! So many turns, many teasing lines between the main characters, Katy and Daemon, which, frankly, delight the reader!

Even at this moment I can’t wake up from the magic of the book. I finished reading a few days ago, but I feel like just now I read the last word. I still have that smile on my face, I still relive their first kiss, which, I honestly tell you, caused me a mixture of pleasant emotions / sensations. It couldn’t be more perfect than that. I just can’t find the right words to describe such a great story and what is behind them. What I can say for sure, is that Daemon's character, the twists and the deceptive appearances, made ​​me love this book, to adore it, to count the days until the appearance of the next one. I did dream the characters, so I see them, love every one of them, even Ash. I became addicted to the teasing of Kat and Daemon. 

I like the way Jennifer writes, I like how actions are described, how it all looks so real. The characters and the evolution of the facts are so animated, that, after finishing the book you think you've just returned from the scene, that you were really part of the events described in it. 

Obsidian is, in my opinion, one of the best fantasy books that were ever written. The writer doesn’t let you breathe at all, she makes you always wonder what could happen next. And much to your surprise as soon as you think you found the outcome of an action, your literary sense is flooded again with suspense, as it happens, for example, in the final fight scene. You could think the action is over, but more exciting and more fascinating than the fight itself, is the kiss. From the middle of the fight, you're suddenly thrown in a storm of feelings.

Yes, I know, you will say I am obsessed with their kisses, but what can I do? I was so captivated. Daemon guided me to this obsession. I only followed him. :D

In conclusion, I hope and pray with all my heart, I have succeeded in drawing your attention towards this fantastic work. You won’t lose anything by reading it, on the contrary, you may discover the amazing sensations that a perfect written book and a well inspired author can give you during reading.




OMG!!! Iubesc Obsidian!!! E cea mai tare carte ever! Va spun sincer ca le cam intrece pe toate, din ce am citit eu, bineinteles. In opinia mea, se bate cu seria Jurnalele Vampirilor pentru locul 1, ceea ce e... WOW!!! Nu m-am gandit niciodata ca o sa-mi placa atat de mult. Cartea asta e fenomenala! Atatea aparente inselatoare, atatea tachinari intre personajele principale, Katy si Daemon, care, la drept vorbind, fac deliciul cititorului. 

Nici pana la ora actuala nu ma pot trezi din magia cartii. Am terminat-o de citit acum cateva zile, dar ma simt de parca in momentul asta am citit ultimul cuvant. Inca mai am acel zambet tamp pe fata, inca mai retraiesc primul lor sarut, care, sincer va spun!!! mi-a provocat un amalgam de emotii/senzatii placute! Nici ca putea fi mai perfect decat atat, mai bine ales momentul.

Pur si simplu nu-mi gasesc cuvintele sa o descriu cat mai bine posibil, sa descriu ceea ce a ramas in urma ei. Ceea ce va pot spune cu siguranta, este ca atat caracterul lui Daemon, cat si intorsaturile de situatie si aparentele inselatoare, m-au facut sa iubesc cartea, sa o ador, sa numar zilele pana la aparitia celei de-a doua. M-au facut sa visez personajele, asa cum le vad eu, sa le iubesc pe fiecare in parte, chiar si pe Ash, si sa adooor, sa devin dependenta de tachinarile dintre Kat si Daemon.

Imi place cum scrie Jennifer, imi place cum descrie actiunile, cum face ca totul sa para atat de real. Personajele si evolutia intamplarilor sunt atat de insufletite incat, dupa terminarea cartii ai impresia ca tocmai ce te-ai intors din mijlocul actiunii, ca tu ai fost parte, in realitate, la toate evenimentele descrise in ea. 

Obsidian este, in opinia mea, una dintre cele mai bune carti fantasy care au fost scrise vreodata. Scriitoarea nu te lasa nici o clipa sa-ti tragi sufletul, te face sa te intrebi de fiecare data ce s-ar mai putea intampla. Si te surprinde, caci, de indata ce crezi ca ai aflat deznodamantul unei actiuni, simtul literar iti este inundat din nou de suspans, asa cum se intampla, spre exemplu, in scena luptei finale. Crezi ca nu se mai poate intampla mare lucru, insa mai palpitant si mai fascinant decat lupta in sine, apare sarutul. Din mijlocul luptei, esti aruncat aproape brusc in mijlocul furtunii de sentimente dintre cei doi.

Da, stiu, o sa ziceti ca sunt obsedata de saruturile lor, dar, na, ce sa fac daca m-au captivat atat de mult?! Sunt doar o papusa manevrata de papusar. El m-a ghidat spre obsesia asta. Eu l-am ascultat cuminte :D

In concluzie, sper, si ma rog din tot sufletul, sa fi reusit sa va captez atentia asupra acestei opere fantasy. Nu o sa pierdeti nimic citind-o, ba chiar dimpotriva, ati putea descoperii uluitoarele senzatii ce le poate da o carte bine scrisa, un autor cu adevarat inspirat, si senzatia de realitate fantastica din timpul lecturii.

NOTA: 5+/5


Carmine said...

Mi-a placut recenzia ta. Cred ca si din cauza ca si eu am terminat de curand Obsidian si sunt mai mult decat disperata sa aflu ce se intampla in continuare:)) Nici nu puteam sa ma adun cand am scris recenzia cartii:)) Shadows ai citit? E geniala, desi ridica mai multe intrebari decat ofera raspunsuri si te face sa innebunesti si mai tare pana la Onyx

mayabijoux said...

Ma bucur ca ti-a placut recenzia! :* Nici eu nu-mi dadusem seama cum sa o scriu, dar dupa ce m-am pornit, greu m-am mai oprit. Shadows nu am citit, as vrea sa-l citesc, acum sa vad cand o sa-l achizitionez.

Sabrina said...

frumoasa recenzia :d acum vreau sa imi cumpar cartea :p este doar un singur volum?

mayabijoux said...

Multumesc. Pana acum e aparut doar acest volum, dar in august apare volumul 2, si pentru 2013 este programat cel de-al 3-lea. Pe blogul editurii Leda s-a anuntat ca deja au fost cumparate drepturile de publicare si la noi in tara, numai ca prin 2013 cred ca o sa apara...