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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

WINTER QUEEN (Fairy Queens #1) by Amber Argyle

Becoming a winter queen will make Ilyenna as cold and cruel and deadly as winter itself, but it might be the only way to save her people from a war they have no hope of winning.~

Mortally wounded during a raid, seventeen-year-old Ilyenna is healed by winter fairies who present her with a seductive offer: become one of them and share their power over winter. But that power comes with a price. If she accepts, she will become a force of nature, lose her humanity, and abandon her family.

Unwilling to pay such a high price, Ilyenna is enslaved by the one of the invaders, Darrien. While in captivity, she learns the attack wasn’t just a simple raid but part of a larger plot to overthrow her entire nation. 

With the enemy stealing over the mountains and Darrien coming to take her to his bed, Ilyenna must decide whether to resurrect the power the fairies left behind. Doing so will allow her to defeat Darrien and the other invaders, but if she embraces winter, she will lose herself to that destroying power—forever.

The winner is...



You have 3 days to send me your full name,  mailling address and what book you want from the list, so I will choose another winner. The email address you find in "Contact" page. 

Book Blitz - RELEASE by Nicole Hadaway

Release by Nicole Hadaway

“The ends justify the means”...

For vampire Miranda Dandridge, using her supernatural abilities to rescue children from impossible circumstances is her means to be a part of the human world that she loves so much, despite the atrocities of WWII.

For doctor Ben Gongliewski, saving his fellow Jews from the horrific death camps is an end for which he risks his own life every day, hiding his Jewish heritage while feigning loyalty the SS.

Neither Miranda nor Ben expects to find love in World War II Europe, but that is exactly what happens as they work for the Resistance. When the war draws to a close, it seems like the vampire and the doctor are free to start a future together. But just how far the Nazis will go to further their own evil ends?

Desperate times make for ruthless men as loves and lives are threatened, but, Miranda and Ben know that their world cannot go to hell, not by any means…

Purchase Link:



Gordon and Jurgen remained silent, knowing that ‘the twelfth’ was something very important, so important that no one had ever really explained its significance to them.  Apparently, foot soldiers such as they were not privy to such lofty plans.  But nonetheless, it had become their bit of comfort as the Russians and the Western Allies advanced on German-held territories.

Gordon turned up the volume on the radio and Jurgen started dealing the cards.  The men then sat there, each looking at their hands, wondering what cards to keep and which to discard, when a shadow fell over the table, as if the light from the hallway had gone out.  All three men looked at the doorway to find the reason.

Cards dropped to the table as they stared, mouths agape, at what was now standing in their doorframe.

A naked woman, who had materialized out of nowhere.  A blonde, definitely Aryan – her hair was so light – whose body exhibited the perfect female form.  She moved to the side and held out her arm, gesturing down the hallway.

The main entrance door opened, and standing just outside the door was another naked female, a brunette this time, with wild curly hair.

The brunette spoke, and even though she was a good twenty feet away, her voice wasn’t loud, nor did it echo throughout the building, as others voices usually did when they called down the hallway.  “May I come in,” she asked simply, placing one hand on her hip.

Jurgen, who was entranced even though he wasn’t exactly attracted to the women, nodded.  The others were incapable of any movement.

Then the blonde and brunette were standing in the same room as the men – Jurgen didn’t even remember seeing the brunette walk down the hallway.  But he could tell his thinking was muddled, it was as if he kept blanking out at each step the women took towards them, the sway of their hips acting like the taste of vodka on his lips.

The blonde reached Richard first, wrapping her arms around his neck.  She didn’t waste but a minute before she kissed him fiercely, so much that Richard took a step or two backward from the force.  He quickly regained his balance, however, and he returned her embrace, his hands moving up and down her naked form with movements that grew quicker and quicker with each pass.

The brunette approached Jurgen slowly, running her hands through her thick, wild-looking hair.  She bent down to meet his face, looked deep into his eyes, and said “Why don’t you go outside, and be lookout for us?  We’ll call you when it’s your turn, I promise.”  She smiled, stroking his cheek.

The next thing Jurgen remembered was standing outside in the damp evening.  He couldn’t remember having walked down the hallway to get here.  He looked around, down the sidewalk, back to the door of the barracks, wondering if he had really been inside with Richard and Gordon, or if he’d fallen asleep outside, drunk from vodka, and dreamed the whole thing.

Yes, a dream, that was it.  Jurgen thought as he stood, breathing in the night air, his mind clearing.  Then he grew worried again.  Hallucinations last night, vivid dreams today. No more spirits, he vowed to himself.  Wouldn’t do for him to go crazy and be dishonorably discharged.


Book Trailer


Author Bio

As a lawyer, Nicole Hadaway knows all about bloodsuckers and deals with the devil.  She currently lives in Texas where she pens such tales involving the supernatural, featuring her heroine, the vampire Miranda Dandridge.

Author Links:

Precomanda LEDA - DOUA ADEVARURI SI O MINCIUNA (Jocul Minciunii #3) de Sara Shepard

Precomanda AICI

Monday, January 7, 2013

Primele 100 de cuvinte... #42 MOARTA SI INVIATA de Kim Harrison

" Saptesprezece ani, moarta, in fruntea ingerilor intunecati din Ceruri - care ard de nerabdare sa omoare pe cineva. Mda, asta-s eu, Madison, noua cronometroare a intunericului care habar n-are de nimic. Nu asa mi-am imaginat ca se vor desfasura "studiile mele superioare" in noaptea in care am plecat de la balul de absolvire si am murit pe fundul unei rape. Am supravietuit furand amuleta celui care ma ucisese.

Acum e de datoria mea sa trimit un spintecator al intunericului ca sa puna capat unei existente pamantesti. Scopul e salvarea sufletului chiar si cu pretul pierderii vietii. Soarta, ar zice serafimii. Dar eu... "

Friday, December 28, 2012

Recenzie PE JUMATATE MOARTA (Madison Avery #1) de Kim Harrison


Ma numesc Madison Avery si trebuie sa va spun ca acolo se afla mai mult decat puteti vedea, auzi sau atinge. Stiu, pentru ca eu ma aflu acolo. Si vad. Aud. Ating. Traiesc.

Balul de absolvire al lui Madison a fost mortal – la propriu. Din cine stie ce motiv, ea a fost tinta unui spintecator al intunericului – da, genul acela de spintecator – decis sa scape de ea, cu trup si suflet. Dar, inainte ca spintecatorul sa-si incheie treaba, Madison a reusit sa-i ia amuleta ciudata si stralucitoare si sa scape.

Acum, e captiva pe Pamant – moarta, dar nu disparuta. Cumva, amuleta ii ofera iluzia unui corp, permitandu-i sa traiasca la limita dintre viata si moarte, undeva intre acum si ceea ce urmeaza. Nu stie de ce, spintecatorul intunericului e pe urmele ei, dar ea n-are de gand sa stea cu mainile in san si sa lase soarta sa-si urmeze cursul.

Cu putina ingeniozitate si cu ajutorul unui spintecator al luminii (unul dintre tipii buni ! Poate...), dar si al baiatului de care e indragostita, precum si al (o, da !) ingerului ei pazitor, Madison e gata sa-si ia destinul in propriile maini o data pentru totdeauna, inainte ca acesta sa o controleze pe ea.

Asta daca ea crede in asemenea lucruri.

Madison Avery. Usor rebela, cool, si pe cat posibil, devreme acasa. A, da, si pe jumatate moarta. O combinatie delicioasa de supranatural si fantasy, care incepe intr-o nota serioasa, abordand un subiect nu tocmai usor digerabil, dar care pana la urma, se transforma intr-un peisaj cu momente usor comine, autoarea incercand sa mai detensioneze atmosfera, de altfel serioasa, de la inceputul cartii.

Lectura este una usoara, incadrandu-se perfect in categoria celor pe care le poti citi intr-o zi, dar avand totusi calitatea de a nu plictisi cititorul. Notele comice presarate printre pagini, ajuta la digerarea mai usoara a cartii, avand in vedere, ca desi nu este o carte tipica celor din care sa tragi invataturi, atrage totusi atentia asupra unui aspect important al vietii, si acela de a avea dreptul la alegere. 

Personajele au fost in parte ok, cu exceptia unora care nu cred ca-si aveau locul. Acelasi lucru il pot spune si la adresa unor fragmente din carte, care mi-au parut putin trase de par, in sensul ca, dupa parerea mea, nu ar fi trebuit dezvaluite atatea detalii care nu ar fi interesat.

In concluzie, "Pe jumatate moarta" merita citita, pentru subiectul pe care il abordeaza, pentru modul "adolescentin" in care autoarea il abordeaza, si pentru Barnabas, ingerul poznas :) Dupa Madison, el face toata cartea!

EARTHBOUND by Aprilynne Pike

Tavia, the "Earthbound" heroine, is the sole survivor of a plane crash that killed her parents and left her in the keeping of an aunt and uncle. She's safe, she's happy, she should be able to move on with her life. 

But... she can't shake the feeling that something's not right- not when she keeps having visions of a beautiful, alluring stranger who wants her to leave her family and flee to Maine, and not when it starts to look like the accident that orphaned her was part of a plot to end her life. 

Soon, she's on the run with no one to trust...except the childhood friend she's sworn to love forever, and whose heart she'd have to break to learn the truth about who she is.

Expected publication: July 30th 2013

Primele 100 de cuvinte... #41 PE JUMATATE MOARTA de Kim Harrison

" Toata lumea trece prin asta. Toata lumea moare, vreau sa spun. Am aflat-o pe cont propriu cand am implinit saptesprezece ani si am fost omorata intr-un accident de masina monstruos, in noaptea balului de absolvire. Dar n-a fost vorba de un accident. A fost o spintecare planuita cu mare grija, o singura clipa a bataliei dintre spintecatorii luminii si cei ai intunericului, dintre rai si iad, liber-arbitru si soarta. Doar ca eu n-am incetat din viata asa cum se intampla cu majoritatea celor ce mor. Dintr-o eroare, sunt blocata aici, moarta pe Pamant. Ingerul care n-a reusit sa ma apere... "

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Un roman erotic devine bestsellerul mondial absolut pe:
New York Times Bestseller

Cele 50 de vicii ale Domnului Grey, primul volum al trilogiei, a beneficiat de articole pe prima pagina in celebrele publicatii New York Times si Wall Street Journal si un prim tiraj de 750.000 de exemplare. Aceasta prima tiparire s-a dovedit in cateva zile insuficienta, astfel ca editorul american s-a vazut „obligat“ sa retipareasca romanul. Dupa doar sase saptamani de la lansare cartea s-a vandut doar in SUA in 10.000.000 de copii, dupa cum a anuntat New York Times. Aparuta si in Marea Britanie, cartea urmeaza sa fie tradusa in peste 30 de tari.
Drepturile de ecranizare ale romanului au fost castigate de Universal Pictures.
Citeste cartea despre care vorbeste toata lumea!
Romantic, amuzant si incarcat de erotism, acest roman te cucereste, te captiveaza si te domina.
Anastasia Steele, studenta la filologie, ii ia un interviu lui Christian Grey, un tanar om de afaceri de succes, pe care il gaseste foarte atractiv si de-a dreptul intimidant. Retrasa si interiorizata, Ana este socata sa constate ca, pentru prima data in viata, este atrasa puternic de cineva. Christian o avertizeaza ca trebuie sa stea departe de el, iar ea nu face decat sa-l doreasca si mai tare.  Dar cand descopera gusturile erotice speciale ale acestuia, incepe sa ezite: dincolo de sarmul si succesul de care se bucura, Christian Grey este un barbat tulburat de demoni ascunsi si ghidat de o excesiva nevoie de a-i controla pe ceilalti.
Va putea oare Ana sa accepte sclavia sentimentala impusa de Christian? Si daca da, va mai putea oare iubi ceea ce descopera?

Multumesc librariei online, pentru sansa de a citi aceasta uimitoare carte. Nu uitati de varietatea mare de carti, in roamana cat si in engleza, pe care le puteti gasi pe


O sa incep prin a spune ca aceasta carte, daca sunteti atenti dincolo de faptul, mai mult decat evident, ca este o carte erotica, ea are o profunzime aparte. In spatele obiceiurilor masochiste ale lui Grey, se afla povesti si intamplari pline de durere, atat fizica cat si psihica. Anastasia incearca sa-l inteleaga, incearca sa-i satisfaca nevoia de dominare, in speranta ca va putea sa-l vindece de ranile trecutului.

Ceea ce urmeaza sa scriu, s-ar putea sa va socheze, dat fiind faptul ca "Cincizeci de umbre ale lui Grey" este o carte erotica, dar va spun cu cea mai mare sinceritate ca, aceasta carte, mi-a smuls lacrimi. Starile confuze ale Anastasiei, lupta ei interioara, cat si cea cu demonul lui Grey, dar mai ales sfarsitul, m-au emotionat atat de tare, incat nu m-am putut abtine.

Despre partea erotica si predominanta a acestei carti, ma gandesc ca nu mai are rost sa va vorbesc, din moment ce seria este deja un fenomen.

In momentul in care am inceput cartea, nu m-am gandit o clipa ca as putea fi atat de impresionata, ca as putea descoperii acea intunecime a cartii, care marcheaza si pune pe ganduri. Cartea asta a fost ceva ce nu m-am asteptat o clipa sa fie. A fost emotie, a fost durere, a fost intunecime si secrete peste asteptari. M-a facut sa ma intreb pana unde poate suporta un om durerea? Pentru cat timp?

Stiu ca probabil o sa va uitati chioras la recenzia de fata, intrebandu-va probabil, daca nu cumva am cazut in cap. Ei bine, spre usurarea voastra, nu am cazut in cap, doar am fost atenta, fara sa vreau, la un aspect mult mai intunecat al cartii de fata, care este umbrit oarecum, de la latura extrem de erotica.

"Cincizeci de umbre ale lui Grey" este probabil prima carte pe care nu mi-am impus s-o citesc si printre randuri, in sensul ca nu am incercat sa gasesc ideea ascunsa printre randurile ei. Toate astea au venit involuntar, si ma bucur ca s-a intamplat asa.

Best of 2012 Giveaway Hop

Hi all! Welcome to Best of 2012 Giveaway Hop hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer.


The winner can choose one book worth up to $ 10 from the BookDepository. Make sure that BookDepository  ships to you!
Don'f forget to check out  the rest of the giveaways from the list below. 

To enter, fill out the rafflecopter below.