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Tuesday, July 31, 2012
IMMORTAL Series by Gillian Shields
Immortal (Immortal #1)
Wyldcliffe Abbey School for Young Ladies, housed in a Gothic mansion on the bleak northern moors, is elite, expensive, and unwelcoming. When Evie Johnson is torn away from her home by the sea to become the newest scholarship student, she is more isolated than she could have dreamed. Strict teachers, snobbish students, and the oppressive atmosphere of Wyldcliffe leave Evie drowning in loneliness.
Evie’s only lifeline is Sebastian, a rebellious, mocking, dangerously attractive young man she meets by chance. As Evie’s feelings for Sebastian grow with each secret meeting, she starts to fear that he is hiding something about his past. And she is haunted by glimpses of a strange, ghostly girl—a girl who is so eerily like Evie, she could be a sister. Evie is slowly drawn into a tangled web of past and present that she cannot control. And as the extraordinary, elemental forces of Wyldcliffe rise up like the mighty sea, Evie is faced with an astounding truth about Sebastian, and her own incredible fate.
Gillian Shields’s electrifying tale will dazzle readers with suspense, mysticism, and romance.
Published August 4th 2009
Betrayal (Immortal #2)
In this companion to "Immortal," magic and sweeping romance cross the bounds of time to deliver heart-stopping emotion and suspense.
Published August 3rd 2010
Eternal (Immortal #3)
This third book about the Mystic Sisterhood at Wyldcliffe Abbey School for Young Ladies is another romantic thriller with paranormal elements and deep mystery. This time our heroine is Sarah Fitzalan, the dependable, faithful friend to Evie and Helen, her sisters in the Mystic Way. But this term Sarah finds that their friendship is tested to the limits. Evie is turning her back on the Mystic Way after the sisterhood laid her beloved Sebastian’s soul to rest; Helen is distracted; and a new girl, wild child Velvet Romaine, seems set on stirring up more trouble at Wyldcliffe. Sarah struggles to keep the sisterhood together as the threat of attack from the dark coven looms.
All Sarah has to keep her going is her connection with her earth powers and a promise she cannot break. Must she sacrifice herself for the sake of her friends and sisters? Will her sisters join her, or will help come from unexpected sources, like her Romany ancestors, and a love she’d only just dared hope for?
Published August 2nd 2011
Destiny (Immortal #4)
Everything is connected. We weave in and out of one another's lives, like circles within circles, and everything is for a purpose.
Helen has always been the "crazy" one among the girls of Wyldcliffe, scarred by her bleak past and her troubled relationship with her mother, the former headmistress and leader of the Wyldcliffe coven, Mrs. Hartle.
But Miss Scratton promised Helen that a love "beyond the confines of this world" is waiting for her. Could this be Lynton, the mysterious music student who visits Wyldcliffe for his lessons? And what about the brooch her mother gave her--what can the Seal reveal about Helen's past and future?
Now that Miss Scratton is gone, life at Wyldcliffe takes an even darker turn. An unexpected threat arrives in the form of a new high master, whom Helen remembers from her unhappy childhood. Can Helen, Evie, and Sarah finally overcome Wyldcliffe's darkness? Will Lady Agnes come to their aid? And what sacrifices must they make to fulfill their destiny?
"Destiny" is the stunning conclusion to this gripping series about sisterhood, the circles of time, and love.
Published July 31st 2012
in strainatate,
Trei colectii cu 35% reducere
Colectia Babel - O intoarcere la literatura, dincolo de invalmaseala limbilor, diversitatea ideilor si anvergura proiectelor. O aventura spirituala ce il proiecteaza pe cititor asupra propriei sale existente, cu constiinta primenita, imbogatita de gratia povestirii.
Editura Nemira va ofera saptamana aceasta cartile din colectia Babel cu o reducere de 35%.
Va propunem in colectia Yorick cele mai importante si mai frumoase lucrari care s-au scris de cand primul actor a pasit pe scena si pana astazi.
Editura Nemira va ofera saptamana aceasta cartile din colectia Yorick cu o reducere de 35%.
Oferta este valabila in perioada 31 iulie - 6 august si nu se cumuleaza cu alte promotii sau cupoane de reducere.
Adresata atat istoricilor, cat si publicului larg, Byzantivm ofera sansa de a cunoaste lumea bizantina intr-o maniera obiectiva, eliberata de prejudecatile inca dominante in spatiul romanesc.
Editura Nemira va ofera saptamana aceasta cartile din colectia Byzantivm cu o reducere de 35%
Oferta este valabila in perioada 31 iulie - 6 august si nu se cumuleaza cu alte promotii sau cupoane de reducere.
Nu ti-ai precomandat inca editia paperback a cartii Dansul dragonilor, de George. R. R. Martin?
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Oferta este valabila pana la data de 1 septembrie si nu se cumuleaza cu alte promotii sau cupoane de reducere.
editura Nemira,
oferte carti
172 HOURS ON MOON by Johan Harstad
It's been decades since anyone set foot on the moon. Now three ordinary teenagers, the winners of NASA's unprecedented, worldwide lottery, are about to become the first young people in space--and change their lives forever.
Mia, from Norway, hopes this will be her punk band's ticket to fame and fortune.
Midori believes it's her way out of her restrained life in Japan.
Antoine, from France, just wants to get as far away from his ex-girlfriend as possible.
It's the opportunity of a lifetime, but little do the teenagers know that something sinister is waiting for them on the desolate surface of the moon. And in the black vacuum of space... no one is coming to save them.
In this chilling adventure set in the most brutal landscape known to man, highly acclaimed Norwegian novelist Johan Harstad creates a vivid and frightening world of possibilities we can only hope never come true.
Published April 5th 2012
in strainatate,
Ziua 5: Un moment în care ai vrut să-ti iei viata
Subiectul asta ma cam irita, pentru ca am avut astfel de momente, din cauza familiei.
Insa nu vreau sa intru in prea multe detalii, cert este ca acum nici macar nu stiu ce a fost in capul meu...
Oricat de multa suferinta ai strange in suflet, nu merita sa-ti iei viata! Pentru ca viata in sine este cel mai mare si mai frumos dar. Si daca ii pui capat... e pacat pentru ce ai de pierdut, chiar daca in acel moment de rascruce nu pare.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Ziua 4: Despre religie
Ok. Din start va spun ca sunt o fana infocata a lui Dumnezeu. Incerc sa ma duc saptamanal la biserica, sa ma rog, si sa ma linistesc.
Cu toate ca sunt de credinta ortodoxa, in orasul vecin este o biserica romano-catolica, pe care o frecventez destul de des. Ma duc si la biserici care tin de credinta mea, insa de fiecare data cand ajung la aceasta biserica, si ma rog, ma simt mult mai bine decat in momentele cand ma duc la una ortodoxa. Sunt semnificativ mai linistita, si cu toate ca nu am vorbit niciodata cu preotul acelei biserici, sunt mai mult ca sigura ca sunt altfel decat cei ortodoxi, in sensul ca sunt mai dispusi sa te asculte, nu se rastesc la tine, si nu te privesc de sus.
Asta cu privitul de sus, pentru mine reprezinta o mare problema, pentru ca fiind mai mica de inaltime, si parand mult mai tanara decat sunt, majoritatea ma trateaza ca pe un copil...
Plus ca sunt de parere ca orice religie ai avea, tot aceluiasi Dumnezeu te rogi, fie ca-L numesti Allah sau mai stiu eu cum.
Am intalnit lume care m-a catalogat drept necredincioasa pentru ca merg la doua biserici de religii diferite.
Insa ei nu stiu cat de mult il iubesc pe Dumnezeu, si cat de mult cred in El, toate astea pentru ca, prin oricate greutati am trecut, m-am rugat Lui, si El a avut grija de mine mereu. Oricand i-am cerut vreun semn, cu privire la un lucru, mi l-a dat. De aceea cred cu tarie in El.
Primele 100 de cuvinte... #18 ELIXIRUL VIETII de Kenneth Oppel
" Am gasit monstrul pe o lespede de stanca aflata deasupra lacului. Timp de trei zile, eu si fratele meu il urmariseram prin labirintul de pesteri, pana la barlogul sau din varful muntelui. Iar acum il priveam, incolacit deasupra comorii sale, cu blana lui deschisa la culoare si solzii scanteind in lumina lunii.
Stia ca eram acolo. Cu siguranta ne mirosise apropiindu-ne, narile sale largi adulmecandu-ne sudoarea si frica. Si-a ridicat usor capul cu creasta, aproape lenes. Monede si nestemate zornaiau si se miscau in timp ce trupul monstrului se descolacea.
- Ucide-l! am strigat eu.
Aveam sabia in mana si pe..."
primele 100 de cuvinte
Recenzie HEX HALL de Rachel Hawkins
Cu trei ani in urma, Sophie Mercer si-a descoperit puterile de vrajitoare, har mostenit de la tatal ei, pe care mama, o simpla muritoare, l-a indepartat imediat dupa casatorie. La balul de absolvire a liceului, Sophie atrage asupra ei atentia celor din jur printr-o vraja care se termina foarte prost si este trimisa la Hex Hall, un fel de scoala de corectie pentru asa-zii copii Prodigium, adica vrajitoare, zane, magi, metamorfi, varcolaci si, in mod exceptional, vampiri.
La sfarsitul primei zile la noua sa scoala, Sophie are deja trei dusmani noi, este indragostita lulea de un vrajitor sexy, descopera ca are o colega de camera vampir, iar o fantoma infricosatoare o urmareste pretutindeni. Mai mult, curand, Sophie afla ca cineva ii ataca in mod misterios pe elevii de la Hex Hall.
Pe masura ce secretele sangeroase se dezvaluie treptat, Sophie trebuie sa se pregateasca pentru cea mai mare amenintare pe care o are de infruntat: o societate secreta, L'Occhio di Dio, al carei scop declarat este exterminarea tuturor fapturilor Prodigium, si in special a ei.
Nu pierde si continuarea!
Hex Hall prezinta povestea tinerei vrajitoare Sophie Mercer. Rectific. Povestea tinerei si amuzantei vrajitoare Sophie Mercer.
Cine nu si-a dorit vreodata sa fie vrajitoare? Plecand de la desenele animate care mi-au marcat copilaria, si pana la dorinta de a-ti putea aranja ca prin minune parul, cine nu s-a visat macar o singura data vrajitoare? Deci?
Cam asa este Sophie, ii place sa fie vrajitoare, sa poata ajuta pe cineva, sa-si poate vindeca o julitura, sau mai stiu eu ce, chestii marunte. Problema e ca in majoritatea datilor, vrajile ei nu functioneaza asa cum trebuie, si in urma unei astfel de vraji, ea ajunge la Hecate Hall, Hex Hall, mai pe scurt.
" In fata mea se profila Hecate Hall, care, potrivit brosurii pe care o strangeam in palma umeda, era "cea mai buna scoala de corectie pentru adolescentii Prodigium".
Prodigium. Era doar un cuvant latinesc pompos care-i includea pe toti monstrii. Pentru asta erau cei de la Hecate.
Asta eram si eu."
Pe parcursul lecturii veti descoperii o Sophie amuzanta, curioasa, indragostita iremediabil de iubitul uneia dintre dusmancele ei. O Sophie care intra mai mereu in belele si o buna prietena. Mai pe scurt, o eroina tare draguta.
Cartea este buna, spre foarte buna. Parerea mea. Imi place cum este scrisa, este usor de citit, si, cel mai important, are cateva momente tare amuzante! "CAINE RAU!" O sa stiti despre ce vorbesc numai daca cititi cartea.
Va garantez ca o sa va placa, in ciuda scurtei mele recenzii. O sa radeti, o sa stati ca pe ghimpi, o sa fiti curiosi, o sa savurati lectura. GARANTAT!
NOTA: 4/5
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Ziua 3: Despre droguri si alcool
Nu. Nu! NUUU!!!
Spuneti NU hotarat acestor vicii bolnave!
Nu sunt bune, nu aduc nimic bun, nu aduc bani in plus daca le consumi. Din contra, pierzi tot ce-i mai frumos in viata daca te lasi prada acestor vicii.
Ok, acum, sa fim corecti pana la capat. Putin alcool nu strica nimanui, dar doar putin, clasicul pahar de vin la cina.
Cat despre tigari... credeti-ma ca aduc numai neplaceri, credeti-ma pe cuvant!
THE OBSIDIAN BLADE (The Klaatu Diskos #1) by Pete Hautman
Kicking off a riveting sci-fi trilogy, National Book Award winner Pete Hautman plunges us into a world where time is a tool - and the question is, who will control it?
The first time his father disappeared, Tucker Feye had just turned thirteen. The Reverend Feye simply climbed on the roof to fix a shingle, let out a scream, and vanished - only to walk up the driveway an hour later, looking older and worn, with a strange girl named Lahlia in tow. In the months that followed, Tucker watched his father grow distant and his once loving mother slide into madness. But then both of his parents disappear. Now in the care of his wild Uncle Kosh, Tucker begins to suspect that the disks of shimmering air he keeps seeing - one right on top of the roof - hold the answer to restoring his family. And when he dares to step into one, he's launched on a time-twisting journey
- from a small Midwestern town to a futuristic hospital run by digitally augmented healers, from the death of an ancient prophet to a forest at the end of time. Inevitably, Tucker's actions alter the past and future, changing his world forever.
Published April 10th 2012
in strainatate,
time travel,
Friday, July 27, 2012
Ziua 2: Peste 10 ani
Well... Unde ma vad eu peste 10 ani? La 31 de ani?
Ma vad in apartamentul meu, inconjurata de familie, carti, si bineinteles, cartile scrise de mine.
Dap, cartile scrise de mine. Pentru ca am un vis si o ambitie extrem de mari, si vechiul cliseu, de cand ma stiu imi place sa scriu. La inceput am scris poezii, dar pentru prezent si viitor, si cu siguranta pentru urmatorii 10 ani, si chiar mai mult, am planificate multe chestii in legatura cu scrierile mele. Sa public in primul an din astia 10, prima mea carte, apoi sa continui tot asa.
Si poate in astia 10 ii mai fac un fratior Mayei, fetita mea. Si ca tot veni vorba de ea, de la numele ei se trage jumatate din nicknameul meu :D
Ma vad inspirandu-i fiicei mele, si posibilului fratior, dragostea pentru lectura si pentru scris.
Si nu in ultimul rand, ma vad tot aici pe blog, scriind postari despre carti, noutati, raspunzand comantatorilor si cititorilor cartilor mele, care, intre noi fie vorba, pur si simplu imi devoreaza cartile :) Stiu asta pentru ca tocmai m-am intors dintr-o calatorie in viitor...
Daca sunteti de parere ca am aspiratii prea mari si frumoase ca sa se implineasca, amintita-va ca munca si pasiunea se pot impleti in cel mai minunat fel, si pot avea ca rezultat fructe mari, zemoase, frumoase si cat se poate de fermecate si indestulatoare.
17-year-old Sophia Petheram has been sheltered by her doting family all her life, until the day her father dies. It's 1855, and with no money and few options, she goes to live with her guardian, the mysterious Bernard de Cressac, at the astonishingly lavish Wyndriven Abbey in Mississippi.
Sophie has always longed for a comfortable life, and she finds herself both attracted to and shocked by the charm and easy manners of her overgenerous guardian. But as she begins to piece together the mystery of his past, it's as if thread by thread, a silken net is woven around her. And when she begins glimpsing the ghosts of his former wives (all with hair as red as her own) in the forgotten corners and dark hallways of the Abbey, Sophie knows she's in de Cressac's trap.
With enchanting romance, chilling suspense, and dashes of the supernatural, Strands of Bronze and Gold is a compulsively-readable debut.
Expected publication: March 12th 2013
Cover reveal #11
Hollowed by Kelley York
Enders (Starters and Enders #2) by Lissa Price
Override (Glitch #2) by Heather Anastasiu
Wolf Pact (Wolf Pact #1) by Melissa de la Cruz
cover reveal
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