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Sunday, April 29, 2012


In an alternate London where magical creatures are preserved in a museum, two teens find themselves caught in a web of intrigue, deception, and danger.

Vespa Nyx wants nothing more than to spend the rest of her life cataloging Unnatural creatures in her father's museum, but as she gets older, the requirement to become a lady and find a husband is looming large. Syrus Reed's Tinker family has always served and revered the Unnaturals from afar, but when his family is captured to be refinery slaves, he finds that his fate may be bound up with Vespa's - and with the Unnaturals.

As the danger grows, Vespa and Syrus find themselves in a tightening web of a deception and intrigue. At stake may be the fate of New London - and the world.

RELEASE DATE: 14.08.2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Recenzie NASCUTA LA MIEZUL NOPTII (Shadow Falls Vol.1) by C. C. Hunter

Nu ratati aceasta noua serie impresionanta, care va va bantui visele si va va cuceri. Bine ati venit in tabara Shadow Falls, cuibarita in adancul padurii in preajma unui orasel pe nume Fallen...

Intr-o seara, Kylie Galen ia parte la o petrecere unde lucrurile nu decurg deloc cum ar trebui, iar asta ii va schimba viata pentru totdeauna. Mama ei o trimite la Shadow Falls - o tabara pentru adolescenti cu probleme. Insa la doar cateva ore dupa sosire, devine evident ca toti colegii ei au mai mult decat niste simple "probleme". Aici, in Shadow Falls, vampirii, varcolacii, metamorfii, vrajitoarele si zanele se antreneaza umar la umar - invata sa-si stapaneasca puterile, sa-si controleze magia si sa traiasca in lumea normala. 
Kylie nu a simtit niciodata ca apartine acelei lumi, dar, cu siguranta, locul ei nu este nici aici, alaturi de o gramada de ciudati paranormali. Sau este oare? Acestia insista ca face parte dintre ei si ca a fost adusa in tabara dintr-un motiv anume. 
Desi pentru Kylie aproapenimic nu e limpede, un lucru devine dureros de clar - locul ei e in Shadow Falls...


Acum aproximativ doua ore am terminat cartea de citit. Sunt... nu stiu cum sa spun... cum sa ma exprim... sa-mi gasesc cuvintele de lauda... 
Cartea a fost, prima jumatate, mai exact cam pana la mijlocul capitolului 28, cam... slabuta. Nu spun plictisitoare, pentru ca autoarea si cartea chiar nu merita un asemenea cuvant. Cu greu am ajuns pana la acest capitol, am tras de mine insistent s-o citesc. Ma tot irita prezenta celor trei baieti, Trey, Derek si Lucas, in mintea lui Kylie. Un triunghi amoros nu aveam sa refuz, dar deja data fiind problema, cu cele trei "necunoscute" pe masa, ideea unui patrat amoros avea sa-mi ramana puternic intiparita in minte.

"Dupa ce reusise in sfarsit sa adoarma, avusese niste vise ciudate, nebunesti, cu Lucas Parker si cu ea. Inotau amandoi. Nici el si nici ea nu purtau nimic in partea de sus. ... Cum era posibil ca trupul ei  sa o tradeze si sa-l gaseasca pe Lucas Parker atragator?"
"Trey intinse mainile si Kylie il lasa sa o stranga in brate. Ba chiar il imbratisa si ea. Emotiile incepura din nou sa o ia razna. In adancul sufletului, Kylie recunostea ca desi nu credea ca avea sa-l ierte vreodata pe Trey pentru ca ii daduse papucii, o mica parte din ea inca mai tinea la el"
"Se forta sa zambeasca, desi simtea ca zambetul ei era la fel de fals ca unul de carton. Ea si Derek erau doar prieteni; nu avea nici un drept sa fie geloasa. Si totusi... De ce o durea asa de mult?

Cu toate acestea, ceva imi spunea ca nu am sa regret daca am sa continui. Si nu am regretat!
De la capitolele 29-30 am stat numai cu cartea in mana. Am citit cu sufletul la gura, si m-am bucurat sa vad ca, pe parcursul lecturii, Kylie incearca si reuseste sa elimine din minte o componenta din patru. Raman deci, trei, pentru clasicul si fermecatorul triunghi amoros. 
Avand in vedere indarjirea cu care ea se separa de cei din tabara, insistand ca ea este om, Kylie nu reuseste in prima jumatate a cartii sa fie o prietena foarte buna pentru Della si Miranda. Toate astea se schimba in a doua jumatate, cand in urma unei intalniri cu Lucas, Kylie se hotaraste sa-si infraneze diferentierea pe care o face, incepand prin a-i dona sange Dellei.

"- Ai tot ce-ti trebuie ca s-o faci?
Della se incrunta.
- Sa fac ce?
- Sa-mi iei sange."

Capitol cu capitol, cuvant cu cuvant, am inceput sa empatizez cu personajul principal, si in momente ca acelea in care Lucas marturiseste ca s-a luptat cu tatal sau, si Derek o intreaba daca e geloasa, a fost ca si cum ma aflam in mijlocul actiunii, in realitate. 
A doua jumatate a cartii este, pot sa spun, mustita de intorsaturi de situatie. Fantoma care o bantuie pe Kayle, se dovedeste a avea o legatura extrem de stransa cu ea, sabotorul taberei este mai aproape de ei decat si-ar fi imaginat vreodata, iar motivul pentru care divorteaza parintii ei, este unul mult prea... dureros si de necrezut in acelasi timp, pentru ea.

Desi, asa cum am mai spus, prima jumatate nu m-a impresionat, a doua jumatate a facut sa-mi schimb parerea radical. Asa ca astept cu mare nerabdare volumul 2.

NOTA: 5+/5

Friday, April 27, 2012

In my mail box #3

Cam asta am mai achizitionat de cand am postat ultima oara la aceasta categorie.

1. IUBITUL VIRTUAL impreuna cu Bravo

Pe ultimele doua nu m-am putut abtine sa nu le cumpar!!! Credeti-ma!!! Am fost asa de bucuroasa cand am vazut Evernight in librarie!!! Nu va puteti imagina!

Cartile au fost cumparate din librarie (Evernight si Morti cu totii), restul, fara Iubitul Virtual, de pe

Si mai astept inca trei carti. Pe alea o sa le vi le dezvalui in urmatorul post la aceasta categorie. De-abia astept sa le primesc!!!

SILVER by Talia Vance

Beauty is pointless when no one's looking.

Brianna Paxton has been invisible to guys since the eighth grade. She's pretty enough, it's just that no one bothers to look. There's almost nothing that can't be explained with science, ans Brianna has a theory: she's missing the pheromone that attracts people to one another. Brianna's theory is shot to hell in one frozen, silver moment, when time stops and Blake Williams not only sees her, he recognizes something inside her that she's been hiding from even herself.

Before Brianna fully understands who and what she is, she accidentaly binds her soul to Blake. Forced to find a way to reconcile forbidden love and her bloody heritage, Brianna discoverd that there's nothing pointless about her, and Blake may be in the most danger of all.

RELEASE DATE: 8.09.2012

De 1 MAI urmeaza-ti pasiunile

Oferte la Editura Nemira 

Viziteaza Targul LITERA

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Concurs pe The Search For Something More

Pana pe data de 30 aprilie mai aveti timp sa va inscrieti la concursul celor de pe The Sarch For Something More. Va puteti inscrie AICI.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

DARK COMPANION by Marta Acosta

When foster teen Jane Williams is invited to attend elite Birch Grove Academy for Girls and escape her violent urban neighborhood, she thinks the offer is too good to be true. She's even offered her own living quarters, the groundskeeper's cottage in the center of the birch grove.

Something's not quite right about the school - or is it Jane? She thinks she sees things in the birch grove at night. She's also beginning to suspect that the elegant headmistress an her sons are hiding secrets. Lucky is the gorgeous, golden son who is especially attentive to Jane, and Jack is the sardonic puzzling brother.

The school with its talented teachers and bright students is a dream for a science and math geek like Jane. She also loves her new friends, including hilarious poetry-spouting rich girl, Mary Violet. But the longer Jane stays at  Birch Grove, the more questions she has about the disappearance of another scholarship girl and a missing faculty member.

Jane discovers one secret about Birch Grove, which only leads to more mysteries. What is she willing to sacrifice in order to stay at this school... and be bound to Birch Grove forever?

RELEASE DATE: 3.07.2012

BRIGHTEST KIND OF DARKNESS (Brightest Kind of Darkness #1) by P.T. Michelle

Nara Collins is an average sixteen-year-old, with one exception: every night she dreams the events of the following day. Due to an incident in her past, Nara avoids using her special gift to change fate... until she dreams a future she can't ignore.

 After Nara prevents a bombing at Blue Ridge High, her ability to see the future starts  to fade, while people at school are suddently being injured at an unusually high rate.

Grappling with her diminishing powers and the need to prevent another disaster, Nara meets Ethan Harris, a mysterious loner who seems to understand her better than anyone. Ethan and Nara forge an irresistible connection, but as their relationship heats up, so do her question about his dark past.

PUBLISHED: 27.06.2011

Monday, April 23, 2012

Nu ratati IUBITUL VIRTUAL de Kate Brian de maine cu revista Bravo

Cand Shawn, iubitul lui Isabelle, o paraseste pe aceasta cu doar o luna inainte de balul de absolvire, Lane si Vivi, prietenele ei cele mai bune, se hotarasc sa treaca la actiune.

Din cateva miscari pe tastatura calculatorului, creeaza pe MySpace pagina lui "Brandon", baiatul perfect care s-o scoata pe Isabelle din aceasta relatie nefericita. Ce pacat ca e doar virtual!

Dar fetele au si la asta o solutie: il atrag in planul lor pe Jonathan, un baiat incredibil de sexy de la alt liceu, care sa joace rolul lui Brandon. Insa cand Vivi se indragosteste de Jonathan, iar Shawn face tot posibilul sa reia relatia cu Isabelle, intregul complot pare a se narui...

Editie de chiosc!
Din 24 aprilie numai impreuna cu revista BRAVO
Pret: 10,99 lei!

Sarbatoreste ziua cartii citind! 

50% reducere la 50 de titluri 

Saturday, April 21, 2012



Cassia has always trusted the Society to make the right choises for her: what to read, what to watch, what to believe. So when Xander's face appears on-screen at her Matching ceremony, Cassia knows with complete certainty that he is her ideal mate... until she sees Ky Markham's face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black.

The Society tells her it's a glitch, a rare malfunction, and that she should focus on the happy life she's destined to lead with Xander. But Cassia can't stop thinking about Ky, and as they slowly fall in love, Cassia begins to doubt the Society's infallibility and is faced with an impossible choise: between Xander and Ky, between the only life she's known and a path that no one else has dared to follow.

PUBLISHED: 30.11.2010


Chasing down an uncertain future, Cassia makes her way to the Outer Provinces in pursuit of Ky - taken by the Society to his sure death - only to find that he has escapes into the majestic, but treacherous, canyons. On this wild frontier are glimmers of a defferent life and the enthralling promise of a rebellion. But even as Cassia sacrificies every thing to reunite with Ky, ingenious surprises from Xander change the game once again.

Narrated from both Cassia's and Ky's point of view, this hotly anticipated sequel to Matched will take them both to the edge of Society, where nothing is as expected and crosses and double crosses make their path more twisted than ever.

PUBLISHED: 1.11.2011


Cassia faces the ultimate choises in the long-anticipated conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Matched Trilogy.

After leaving the Society and desperately searching for the Rising - and each other - Cassia and Ky have found what they were loocking for, but at the cost of losing each other yet again: Cassia has been assigned to work for the Rising from within Society, while Ky has been stationed outside its borders. But nothing is as predicted, and all to soon the veil lifts and things shift once again.

In this gripping conclusion to the #1 New York Times bestselling Matched Trilogy, Cassia will reconcile the difficulties of challenging a life too confining, seeking a freedom she never dreamed possible, and honoring a love she cannot live without.

RELEASE DATE: 13.11.2012 - Reduceri suprarealiste 

Contest on Best Books

Click HERE to enter on this giveaway!

THE GLIMPSE by Claire Merle

In a near future, society is segregated according to whether people are genetically disposed to mental illness. 17-year-old Ana has been living the privileged life of a Pure due to an error in her DNA test. When the authorities find out, she faces banishment from her safe Community, a fate only thwarted by the fact that she has already been promised to Pure-boy Jasper Tawell.

Jasper is from a rich and influential family and despite Ana's condition, wants to be with her. The authorities grant Ana a tentative reprieve. If she is joined to Jasper before her 18th birthday, she may stay in the Community until  her illnes manifests. But if Jasper changes his mind, she will be cast out among the Crazies. As Ana's joining ceremony and her birthday loom closer, she dares to hope she will be saved from the horror of the City and live a "normal" life. But then Jasper disappears.

Led to believe Jasper has been taken by a strange sect the authorities will not intefere with, Ana sneaks out of her well-guarded Community to find him herself. Her search takes her through the underbelly of society and into the pits of the human soul. And as she delves deeper into the mystery of Jasper's abduction she uncovers some devastating truths that destroy everything she has grown up to believe, but she also learns to love as she has never loved before.

RELEASE DATE: 7.06.2012


There's something strange and deadly loose in Philadelphia...

Eleanor Fitt has a lot to worry about. Her brother has gone missing, her family has fallen on hard times, and her mother is determined to marry her off to any rich young man who walks by. But this is nothing compared to what she's just read in the newspaper -

The Dead are rising in Philadelphia.

And then, in a frightening attack, a zombie delivers a letter to Eleanor... from her brother.

Whoever is controlling the Dead army has taken her brother as well. If Eleanor is going to find him, she'll have to venture into the lab of the notorious Spirit-Hunters, who protect the city from supernatural forces. But as Eleanor spends more time with the Spirit-Hunters, including their maddeningly stubborn yet handsome inventor, Daniel, the situation becomes dire. And now, not only is her reputation on the line, but her very life may hang in the balance.

RELEASE DATE: 24.07.2012

Friday, April 20, 2012

THE IVY GATE by A. R. Kahler

Katherine Townsend has to save the world.

Only a week ago, she would have laughed at the thought. Her father was dead. Her friends and boyfriend had left town for college. Greatness would never be for her. She remained at home, with her mather, watching life pass her by.

Until she found the gate.

Now, the very life she took for granted is in danger, as are the lives of those she had ever loved. For behind the gate is another world, and a race begging for her help. This world - a mirror of her own - exists on a plane above the earth. She is warned that another world, with another, "evil" race, exists below. All three worlds had been kept safely apart. For a time.

The worlds are spiraling together, and in a matter of days, they will merge. The end is near and Katherine, by fate or chance, is the only one with the power to save them all. Which could make her the perfect weapon. Both races want her. Both tell different truths and histories. Maybe the merging is just what everyone needs. Is she willing to die trying to save a world that works so well without her? Or will she stand by once more, in hopes that maybe, this time, things will work out on their own?

PUBLISHED: 16.12.2011

DUST GIRL by Sarah Zettel

Dust Girl ( The American Fairy Trilogy #1)

Callie LeRoux lives in Slow Run, Kansas, helping her mother run their small hotel and trying not to think about the father she's never met. Lately all of her energy is spent battling the constant storms plaguing the Dust Bowl and their effects on her health. Callie is left alone, when her mother goes missing in a dust storm. Her only hope comes from a mysterious man offering a few clues about her destiny and the path she must take to find her parents in "the golden hills of the west" (California).

Along the way she meets Jack a young hobo boy who is happy to keep her company - there are dangerous, desperate people at every turn. And there's also an otherworldly threat to Callie. Warring fae factions, attached to the creative communities of American society, are very aware of the role this half-mortal, half-fae teenage girl plays in their fate.

Release date: 26.06.2012

Carti care invita la... dialog

Concurs aniversar - 6 luni, pe Ratacitori in lumea cartilor

Fetele de la Ratacitori in lumea cartilor aniverseaza 6 luni pe 14 mai, asa ca s-au gandit sa incante cu un nou concurs! Premiile sunt:

1. Seria "Micutele Mincinoase" de Sara Shepard
2. Seria "Jocurile Foamei" de Suzanne Collins (hardcover)
3. Cartea "Umbra Noptii" de Andrea Cremer

Va puteti inscrie AICI

Micutele mincinoase ascund mult mai multe secrete decat te-ai astepta! N-ai vrea sa le afli?

MICUTELE MINCINOASE SI SECRETELE LOR, patru carti in editie de buzunar distribuite incepand din data de 8 mai cu revista BRAVO

Fanii Sarei Shepard, autoare care ocupa locul 1 pe New York Times Bestseller List, se vor putea bucura in curand de o senzationala carte-bonus la celebra seria Micutele Mincinoase.

Volumul, a carui editie in limba romana va purta titlul MICUTELE MINCINOASE SI SECRETELE LOR, a fost recent publicat in Statele Unite (pe data de 3 ianuarie!) si deja a produs o adevarata valva in randul tinerilor cititori.

Subiectul este plasat in actiunea volumului 4 (Incredibil) si 5 (Imoral) din Micutele Mincinoase (un fel de volum 4½) si dezvaluie minciunile legate de anumite intamplari nefericite petrecute in timpul vacantei de iarna din penultimul an de liceu al celor patru fete, si tinute ascunse pana acum.

MICUTELE MINCINOASE SI SECRETELE LOR are insa marea calitate de a putea fi citit deopotriva si de cei familiarizati cu aceasta serie, dar si de cei care de-abia acum vor sa faca cunostinta cu personajele Sarei Shepard. Volumul este compus din patru parti distincte, ce se citesc ca o serie de micro-romane independente, fiecare relatand cate un secret al uneia dintre cele patru eroine indragite:

Partea 1. Secretul Hannei, distribuita cu revista Bravo din 8 mai 2012

Partea 2. Secretul lui Emily, distribuita cu revista Bravo din 22 mai 2012

Partea 3. Secretul Ariei, distribuita cu revista Bravo din 5 iunie 2012

Partea 4. Secretul lui Spencer, distribuita cu revista Bravo din 19 iunie 2012

Deci, nu ratati cele patru intalniri cu Hanna, Emily, Aria si Spencer, pe care Editura LEDA si revista Bravo vi le-au rezervat pentru lunile mai si iunie!

Seria Micutele Mincinoase a devenit o senzatie internationala odata cu aparitia romanelor si a serialului de televiziune, difuzat de ABC Family, iar drepturile de traducere au fost vandute in peste 30 de tari!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Recenzie DIVERGENT (Vol.1) by Veronica Roth


Intr-un Chicago distopic, orasul in care traieste Beatrice Prior, sociatatea este impartita in cinci factiuni, fiecare dintre ele cultivand o anumita virtute: CANDOAREA (cei sinceri), ABNEGATIA (cei altruisti), NEINFRICAREA (cei curajosi), PRIETENIA (cei pasnici) si ERUDITIA (cei inteligenti).
In fiecare an, intr-o zi anume, tinerii in varsta de saisprezece ani trebuie sa-si aleaga factiunea careia ii vor fi devotati tot restul vietii. In ceea ce o priveste pe Beatrice, ea trebuie sa hotarasca daca ramane alaturi de parintii ei sau alege factiunea care considera ca i se potriveste cel mai bine. In cele din urma, alegerea pe care o face va surprinde pe toata lumea, inclusiv pe ea insasi.
In timpul initierii care urmeaza, marcata de o puternica rivalitate, Beatrice isi ia un alt nume, Tris, si se straduieste sa afle cine sunt cu adevarat prietenii ei si, de asemenea, daca o poveste de dragoste cu un baiat uneori fascinant, alteori enervant, isi poate gasi locul in viata pe care ea si-a ales-o. Dar Tris are un secret pe care l-a ascuns de toata lumea deoarece fusese prevenita ca i-ar putea aduce moartea. Si, pe masura ce descopera un conflict care ia treptat amploare, amenintand sa destrame societatea aparent perfecta in care traieste, afla ca secretul ei ar putea-o ajuta sa-i salveze pe cei dragi... sau ar distruge-o...
Un pasionant thriller distopic, din care nu lipsesc decizii majore, tradari sfasietoare, consecinte uimitoare si o neasteptata poveste de dragoste.


De la inceput o sa va spun ca imi gasesc cu greu cuvintele. Nu stiu cum sa descriu mai bine cartea, cum sa-mi exprim parerea, care este una foarte buna, daca nu exceptionala, despre o carte care surprinde prin tot ce o alcatuieste: personaje, actiune, decizii, consecinte...
Mi-a placut enorm de mult ca Divergent este o carte scrisa la persoana intai, ca Beatrice, desi in aparenta, in ochii celorlalti, pare o persoana slaba, o fetita, ea este de fapt asemeni unui munte care lupta si face fata celei mai puternice furtuni. Alegerea pe care o face, asa cum este evidentiat in descrierea cartii, ii surprinde in aceeasi masura atat pe cei din jur, cat si pe ea.

"Deschid ochii si-mi arunc bratul intr-o parte. Sangele imi picura pe covor, intre cele doua boluri. Atunci, cu un icnet pe care nu mi-l pot stapani, imi duc mana mai in fata, si sangele imi cade, sfaraind, peste carbuni."

Avand in fata alegerea facuta, ea incearca pe cat posibil sa se obisnuiasca cu ea, si incepe prin a-si schimba numele, devenind TRIS. 

"-Cum te cheama? ma intreaba.
La loc nou, un nume nou. Aici pot sa ma remodelez.
-Tris, rostesc cu fermitate."

Trecand prin chinurile initierii, Tris devine din ce in ce mai puternica, isi face prieteni, dar cel mai important, isi face dusmani, cu care la un moment dat, va trebui sa lupte pe viata si moarte.
Neinfricatii, cu tot ceea ce inseamna ei, bun sau rau, ii devin familie. Se ataseaza de ei, chiar si de cei care ii fac rau, reusind ca pana si in ultima clipa sa aiba o urma de remuscare. 
Dar in cele din urma se dovedeste ca are multi dusmani, chiar mai puternici decat ea. 

"-Gandeste-te la asta, imi zice. Oamenii astia te-au invatat sa folosesti o arma. Te-au invatat sa lupti. Crezi ca s-ar da in laturi sa te raneasca? Sa te omoare?"

In tot pericolul care o inconjoara, are un aliat de incredere, Four, instructorul ei. Un aliat care pana la urma va face parte din peisajul povestii de dragoste, care la inceput este improbabila, dar desfasurarea cartii o face posibila intr-un final.

"Pentru o clipa, ochii lui negri patrund intr-ai mei, si el tace. Apoi, imi mangaie fata si se apleaca mai aproape, atingandu-mi buzele cu ale lui."

Intr-un final, Tris se vede nevoita sa lupte impotriva a aproape tot ce o inconjoara, impotriva factiunii ei, impotriva legilor, pentru a-si apara oamenii pe care ii iubeste.
Cand lupta se termina, devine o fugara, gata oricand sa lupte din nou.

NOTA: 5/5

Recomand cu mare drag cartea, mi-a placut extrem de mult, si sunt nerabdatoare sa citesc si volumul 2, Insurgent. Divergent face parte din categoria cartilor pe care odata ce incepi s-o citesti, nu o mai poti lasa din mana!!!

P.S: Aceasta este prima mea recenzie, asa ca va rog fiti ingaduitori cu mine daca am gresit ceva. Astept cu mare drag sa va spuneti parerile despre recenzia mea. :D

Destinatii de vis...


Pentru ca tot timpul m-am intrebat de unde pornesc acele postari-leapsa, m-am gandit sa realizez eu una, si s-o dau mai departe unora dintre blogurile pe care le apreciez cel mai mult.
 Toata treaba consta in a pune cate doua imagini (sau mai multe daca vreti!) cat mai reprezentative la fiecare punct.
Deci, sa-i dam drumul! :D

1. Imagineaza-ti biblioteca personala!

2. Relatia dintre tine si carti!

3. Carti vintage!

4. Coperta ideala!

5. Locul de citit ideal!

6. Reprezinta personajul/cartea prefeta prin imagini.

P.S: Leapsa o poate prelua orice mai doreste!